Gustav Janouch met Franz Kafka, the celebrated author of The Metamorphosis, as a seventeen-year-old fledgling poet. As Francine Prose notes in her wonderful preface, “they fell into the habit of taking long strolls through the city, strolls on which Kafka seems to have said many amazing, incisive, literary, and per- things to his companion and interlocutor, the teenage Boswell of Prague. Crossing a windswept square, apropos of something or other, Kafka tells Janouch, ‘Life is infinitely great and profound as the immensity of the stars above us. One can only look at it through the narrow keyhole of one’s personal experience. But through it one perceives more than one can see. So above all one must keep the keyhole clean.’”
They talk about writing (Kafka’s own, but also that of his favorite writers: Poe, Kleist, and Rimbaud, who “transforms vowels into colors”) as well as technology, film, crime, Darwinism, Chinese philosophy, carpentry, insomnia, street fights, Hindu scripture, art, suicide, and prayer. “Prayer,” Kafka notes, brings “its infinite radiance to bed in the frail little cradle of one’s own existence.”
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過春節前,看瞭《卡夫卡口述》(又稱《卡夫卡談話錄》),格格到我傢時,看到這本書,很自然地說:我也在看這本書。 真是一本好書。卡夫卡的好處在於,他能用簡潔的句子說齣真理。在他筆下,沒有陌生語言,沒有玄奧繁復的磚塊邏輯。他的邏輯清晰簡明,但往往在最頂...
評分**何苦讀那些曇花一現的東西? **(愛倫坡)他寫瞭許多陰森可怕的故事,目的在於熟悉世界,適應世界。 **每個魔術師都有自己的儀式。 **您的作品非常清新。(但是)您談得更多的是事情在您身上喚起的印象,而不是事件和事物本身。這是抒情詩。您在撫摸世界,而不是去把握世界。...
評分卡夫卡說:我身上始終背著鐵柵欄。 “主觀的自我世界和客觀的現實世界之間的緊張關係,任何時代之間的緊張關係是一切藝術的首要問題。每一個畫傢、作傢、劇作傢和詩人都必定要探討這個問題。”(《卡夫卡口述》第185頁)。
評分要瞭解卡夫卡,也許先從他的傳記和對話錄開始 比較容易一些,也更立體些,也不象看他的文學作品那樣, 那麼的復雜 對話錄實在是一本很好很好的書 展現瞭一個栩栩如生的卡夫卡 他的同齡朋友們能感受到卡在生活中言語對話的魅力,但不會象對話錄的作者那般,如實的記錄下來,他們...
評分1、如果沒有這些可怕的不眠之夜,我根本不會寫作。而在夜裏,我總是清楚地意識到我單獨監禁的處境。 2、我喜歡作坊裏的工作。刨花的氣味,鋸子的吟唱,錘子的敲打聲,這一切都讓我著迷。 3、錶麵看來,辦公室裏的人要高貴一些,幸運一些,但這隻...
圖書標籤: 非虛構 公共圖書館 Memoir Franz-Kafka European Books-About-Books 1960s
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