More Sex Is Safer Sex 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
为甚么我们总是一窝蜂去读畅销书?容我大段引述梁文道的解释,它至少不会比大部分畅销书更冗长: 「一本书不能有太多创见,以致于过度违背常识,才看几页就受不了。但是它却要显得有点智慧,将读者都明白甚至认同的道理用很聪明的方法包装一下,使得读者感到有那么一点...
评分more sex is safer sex,作者翻译成性越多越安全,还是很到位的,而不是像我标题翻译的那样生硬。 这本书就是第一个章节,more sex is safer sex, 最有意思,用来泡MM,简直能把人说晕了。一夜情在他笔下也变成了正当的、有益于社会的事情。 其他章节一般。
评分没看完,也不觉得需要看完。光看前三个例子就觉得困惑很多,很难说服人。 第一:性越多越安全。 作者的想法是性疾病之所以传染迅速,是因为一群“淫荡”的,“ 不负责任”的(至少在他看来是这样的,得了艾滋病还去做爱的风流鬼们)人由于在一个小圈子里进行性交,所以在这个圈...
评分最初很好奇,想看作者是如何用理性经纪人假设打败高潮诱惑的。 可惜并没有看到相关论证, 于是看完第一章就知道此书没戏了。 值得表扬的是作者那股削尖脑袋试图颠覆人们常识的创意和勇气, 毕竟在这个时代,大多数经济学家的日子并不好过。
评分没看完,也不觉得需要看完。光看前三个例子就觉得困惑很多,很难说服人。 第一:性越多越安全。 作者的想法是性疾病之所以传染迅速,是因为一群“淫荡”的,“ 不负责任”的(至少在他看来是这样的,得了艾滋病还去做爱的风流鬼们)人由于在一个小圈子里进行性交,所以在这个圈...
图书标签: 经济学 Economic 经济 Economics MoreSexIsSaferSex 原版 Landsburg 經濟學
Steven Landsburg's writings are living proof that economics need not be "the dismal science." Readers of The Armchair Economist and his columns in Slate magazine know that he can make economics not only fun but fascinating, as he searches for the reasons behind the odd facts we face in our daily lives. In More Sex Is Safer Sex, he brings his witty and razor-sharp analysis to the many ways that our individually rational decisions can combine into some truly weird collective results -- and he proposes hilarious and serious ways to fix just about everything.
When you stand up at the ballpark in order to see better, you make a rational decision. When everyone else does it too, the results, of course, are lousy. But this is just the tip of the iceberg of individual sanity and collective madness. Did you know that some people may actually increase the spread of sexually transmitted diseases when they avoid casual sex? Do you know why tall people earn more money than shorter competitors? (Hint: it isn't just unfair, unconscious prejudice.) Do you know why it makes no sense for you to give charitable donations to more than one organization?
Landsburg's solutions to the many ways that modern life is unfair or inefficient are both jaw-dropping and maddeningly defensible. We should encourage people to cut in line at water fountains on hot days. We should let firefighters keep any property they rescue from burning houses. We should encourage more people to act like Scrooge, because misers are just as generous as philanthropists.
Best of all are Landsburg's commonsense solutions to the political problems that plague our democracy. We should charge penalties to jurors if they convict a felon who is later exonerated. We should let everyone vote in two congressional districts: their own, and any other one of their choice. While we're at it, we should redraw the districts according to the alphabetical lists of all voters, rather than by geography. We should pay FDA commissioners with shares of pharmaceutical company stocks, and pay our president with a diversified portfolio of real estate from across the country.
Why do parents of sons stay married more often than parents who have only daughters? Why does early motherhood not only correlate with lower income, but actually cause it? Why do we execute murderers but not the authors of vicious computer viruses? The lesson of this fascinating, fun, and endlessly provocative book is twofold: many apparently very odd behaviors have logical explanations, and many apparently logical behaviors make no sense whatsoever.
there is a major flaw of the theory: more sex, there will be more infection of HIV. Thus, the ratio of infection is indeed reduced by more sex, however, the result is still opposite of good.
评分there is a major flaw of the theory: more sex, there will be more infection of HIV. Thus, the ratio of infection is indeed reduced by more sex, however, the result is still opposite of good.
More Sex Is Safer Sex 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书