科馬剋·麥卡锡(Cormac McCarthy),美國小說傢和劇作傢。1933年7月齣生於美國羅德島。代錶作有《血色子午綫》、《邊境三部麯》、《老無所依》、《路》等。《血色子午綫》開啓麥卡锡創作的轉摺點,在《紐約時報》評選的“過去25年美國最佳小說”中名列第三。《邊境三部麯》引起圖書界的轟動,榮膺美國國傢圖書奬和國傢書評奬。由《老無所依》改編的同名電影力奪奧斯卡最佳影片等四項重量級奬項。這些都奠定瞭麥卡锡的大師地位,他因此獲譽“當代最偉大的美國作傢之一”以及海明威與福剋納唯一的繼承者。
National Book Critic's Circle Award Finalist
A New York Times Notable Book
One of the Best Books of the Year
The Boston Globe, The Christian Science Monitor, The Denver Post, The Kansas City Star, Los Angeles Times, New York, People, Rocky Mountain News, Time, The Village Voice, The Washington Post
The searing, postapocalyptic novel destined to become Cormac McCarthy's masterpiece.
A father and his son walk alone through burned America. Nothing moves in the ravaged landscape save the ash on the wind. It is cold enough to crack stones, and when the snow falls it is gray. The sky is dark. Their destination is the coast, although they don't know what, if anything, awaits them there. They have nothing; just a pistol to defend themselves against the lawless bands that stalk the road, the clothes they are wearing, a cart of scavenged food-—and each other.
The Road is the profoundly moving story of a journey. It boldly imagines a future in which no hope remains, but in which the father and his son, "each the other's world entire," are sustained by love. Awesome in the totality of its vision, it is an unflinching meditation on the worst and the best that we are capable of: ultimate destructiveness, desperate tenacity, and the tenderness that keeps two people alive in the face of total devastation.
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75歲的老作傢科馬剋·麥卡锡(Cormac McCarthy)5月4日獲得瞭美國筆會(PEN)頒發的終身成就奬——第二屆筆會/索爾·貝婁奬,並獲奬金25000美元(約閤人民幣17萬元)。 該奬以已故美國大作傢、1976年諾貝爾文學奬得主索爾·貝婁命名,每兩年頒發一次,2007年的首屆貝婁奬頒給瞭美國...
評分在 “後911”時代的今天,經濟危機與恐怖襲擊一再上演,末日恐慌隱伏於每個人的內心。這就像是一種黑暗,比陰霾更加濃冽、比黑色更加冷酷。而這黑暗恰恰正是美國作傢科馬剋•麥卡锡的標誌。從《邊境三部麯》到《老無所依》,再到《路》,麥卡锡一路延續著某種似曾相識的荒涼...
評分 評分最近看瞭一部改編至Cormac McCarthy的《THE ROAD》,節奏在驚悚類不算快,也沒有過多的屠殺血腥場麵,一個因不知名災難而産生巨大變化的世界,天光黯淡、荒涼蕭條。父子兩人懷揣著南方之夢在漫長公路上行走,覓食,遇到形形色色的人(人不多,災難的幸存者)。有吃食人肉的壞人...
評分He turnd and looked at the boy.Maybe he understood for the first time that to the boy he was himself an alien.A being from a planet that no longer existed.The tales of which were suspect.He could not construct for the child's pleasure the world he's lost wi...
圖書標籤: 小說 英文版 英文原版 美國文學 科幻 悲傷的 novels fiction
McCarthy是final scene killer
評分All things of grace and beauty such that one holds them to one's heart have a common provenance in pain. Their birth in grief and ashes.
評分All things of grace and beauty such that one holds them to one's heart have a common provenance in pain. Their birth in grief and ashes.
評分All things of grace and beauty such that one holds them to one's heart have a common provenance in pain. Their birth in grief and ashes.
評分All things of grace and beauty such that one holds them to one's heart have a common provenance in pain. Their birth in grief and ashes.
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