Cooper's most enduringly popular novel combines heroism and romance with powerful criticism of the destruction of nature and tradition. Set against the French and Indian siege of Fort William Henry in 1757, "The Last of the Mohicans" recounts the story of two sisters, Cora and Alice Munro, daughters of the English commander, who are struggling to be reunited with their father. They are aided in their perilous journey by Hawk-eye, a frontier scout and his companions Chingachgook and Uncas, the only two survivors of the Mohican tribe. But their lives are endangered by the Mangua, the savage Indian traitor who captures the sisters, wanting Cora to be his squaw. In setting Indian against Indian and the brutal society of the white man against the civilization of the Mohican, Cooper, more than any author before or since, shaped the American sense of itself as a nation.
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作品不僅是庫柏的最著名作品,就是在同類題材中,也是數一數二的佳作。 故事的背景還是發生在英法剛開始殖民美洲大陸時期,雙方在進行著戰爭,而雙方都有著印第安部隊盟友。而作者做為英國後裔,顯然立場明確,所以在故事中不僅正麵描寫英國人和英軍,還刻意寫齣的法國人的背信...
評分不好意思地說,留意到這本書的書名,是因為多年前,小貝在世界杯上的莫西乾頭(據說還是翻譯錯誤)。而想讀讀這本書,是因為前幾天重聽《曉說》,當講到《三體》這本書時提到瞭,印第安被入侵,就如同三體等外星文明入侵地球一樣。 這本書在讀之前就覺得不會太有趣,一讀發現,...
評分雖然是有名的小說,雖然號稱《皮裹腿故事集》中最經典的作品,但是我再三努力,最終還是沒能讀完。 還是時代的關係吧,這種敘述中夾雜許多議論的敘事方式,舊時代繁復的禮節、比喻和做派,還有無處不在的白人的種族優越感,不熟悉的印第安部族與殖民史,都影響到閱讀的流暢感...
評分圖書標籤: 見documentfile 庫珀 James Fenimore Cooper 18-19世紀浪漫主義書單
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