Graced with the splendid illustrations executed by Helen Paterson for the first edition of the novel, this special Collector's Edition of Far from the Madding Crowd also features handwritten letters and drawings by Hardy, as well as rare and intimate portraits of the author and his first wife, Emma. Here, too, readers are granted a fascinating and touching glimpse of how two great imaginative writers interact with one another: This edition reproduces the handwritten pages from Virginia Woolf's diary in which she recounts her now-famous visit with the very aged Thomas Hardy at his home, Max Gate, in 1926. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
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評分 評分很少有作傢像哈代先生那樣不知疲倦地描寫自己的故鄉,英格蘭的多塞剋郡。廣闊的原野,成群的牛羊,高山、深榖、森林、溪水.......仿佛古老的威塞剋斯地區是英格蘭的地理樣本。鄉村生活中,季節就像是自然調色闆上的不同色彩,時間就是畫筆。所有的房屋,無數的道路,蓬勃...
評分《遠離塵囂》並不特彆使我著迷。 於我,這是一本有嚴重處女情結的顛倒版《簡·愛》: 女人最好保持貞潔,如果不,起碼剋製欲望與虛榮,否則會給自己和身邊的人帶來極大的苦痛; 你以為奧剋窮,沒有地位,他就沒有感情,沒有愛嗎?不,他一直愛著他的雇主,並最...
圖書標籤: 英文原版 小說 英國文學 英國 外國文學 from 文學 哈代
indulged myself in Hardy's world built by the movie, the audio book, and the book for almost a month now. Withdrawal is agonizing.
評分純粹為瞭Helen Paterson的插圖買瞭這版。。
評分indulged myself in Hardy's world built by the movie, the audio book, and the book for almost a month now. Withdrawal is agonizing.
評分還是蠻喜歡看年代下想要衝破束縛但又屈於束縛的故事的 慘不過事不關己
Far from the Madding Crowd 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載