勞倫斯·蔔洛剋(Lawrence Block,1938年—),生於紐約水牛城,美國推理小說作傢。作品主要包括五個係列:《圖書館裏的賊》便是其中“雅賊(柏尼·羅登拔)係列”係列中的一本。
* 雅賊(柏尼·羅登拔)Burglar係列
1977年,Burglars Can't Be Choosers(彆無選擇的賊)
1978年,The Burglar in the Closet(衣櫃裏的賊)
1979年,The Burglar Who Liked to Quote Kipling(喜歡引用吉蔔齡的賊)
1980年,The Burglar Who Studied Spinoza〈閱讀史賓諾莎的賊〉
1983年,The Burglar Who Painted Like Mondrian(畫風像濛德裏安的賊)
1994年,The Burglar Who Traded Ted Williams(把泰德威廉斯交易掉的賊)
1995年,The Burglar Who Thought He Was Bogart(自以為是亨佛萊鮑嘉的賊)
1997年,The Burglar in the Library(圖書館裏的賊)
1999年,The Burglar in the Rye(麥田賊手)
2004年,The Burglar on the Prowl(伺機下手的賊)
* 馬修·史卡德係列 (Matthew Scudder)
1976年,The Sins of the Fathers(父之罪)
1976年,In the Midst of Dead(在死亡之中)
1977年,Time to Murder and Create(謀殺與創造之時)
1981年,A Stab in the Dark(黑暗之刺)
1982年,Eight Million Ways to Die(八百萬種死法)
1986年,When the Sacred Ginmill Closes(酒店關門之後)
1989年,Out of the Cutting Edge(刀鋒之先)
1990年,A Ticket to the Boneyard(到墳場的車票)
1991年,A Dance at the Slaughterhouse(屠宰場之舞)
1992年,A Walk Aong the Tombstones(行過死蔭之地)
1993年,The Devil Knows Your Dead(惡魔預知死亡)
1994年,A Long Line of Dead Man(一長串的死者)
1997年,Even the Wicked(嚮邪惡追索)
1998年,Everybody Dies(每個人都死瞭)
2001年,Hope to Die(死亡的渴望)
2005年,All the Flowers are Dying(繁花將盡)
* 伊凡·譚納係列 (Even Tanner)
1966年,The Thief Who Couldn't Sleep(睡不著覺的密探)
1966年,The Canceled Czech(作廢的捷剋人)
1967年,Tanner's Twelve Swingers(譚納的12體操金釵)
1968年,The Scoreless Thai(譚納的非常泰冒險)
1968年,Tanner's Tiger(譚納的兩隻老虎)
1968年,Here Comes a Hero
1970年,Me Tanner, You Jane
1998年,Tanner on Ice
* 奇波·哈裏森係列 (Chip Harrion)
1970年,No Score
1971年,Chip Harrison Scores Again
1974年,Make Out With Murder
1975年,The Topless Tulip Caper
* 殺手凱勒(Keller)係列
1998年,Hit Man(殺手)
2000年,Hit List(黑名單)
2006年,Hit Paradede:Lawrence Block
Bookseller and New-Yorker-to-the-bone, Bernie Rhodenbarr rarely ventures out of Manhattan, but he's excited about the romantic getaway he has planned for himself and current lady love Lettice at the Cuttleford House, a remote upstate b&b. Unfortunately, Lettice has a prior engagement—she's getting married . . . and not to Bernie—so he decides to take best buddy Carolyn instead. A restful respite from the big city's bustle would be too good to waste. Besides, there's a very valuable first edition shelved in the Cuttleford's library that Bernie's just itching to get his hands on. Did we neglect to mention that Bernie's a burglar? </p>
But first he's got to get around a very dead body on the library floor. The plot's thickened by an isolating snowstorm, downed phone lines, the surprise arrival of Lettice and her reprehensible new hubby, and a steadily increasing corpse count. And it's Bernie who'll have to figure out whodunit . . . or die. </p>
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圖書標籤: 推理 勞倫斯·布洛剋 Lawrence Block 美國 Lawrence_Block LawrenceBlock 鳥語
評分我隻是碰巧下載到瞭這個係列的電子書。。 沒想到這個係列的偵探小說還不錯
評分Never get tired of the snarkiness & the wittiness! 一顆星緻Raymond Chandler <3
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