保罗·柯艾略(Paulo Coelho),著名作家,1947出生于巴西里约热内卢。
The Witch of Portobello 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
这部小说的体裁不算新颖,但也很有趣 自称为雅典娜的吉普赛混血女人的身边的人 一个接一个的讲述 讲述雅典娜的身世 讲述雅典娜的心酸 讲述雅典娜如何与众不同 讲述雅典娜又是如何被追求大同的世界所杀害 这个女人的成长不算顺利 也不能算幸运 但是很奇怪的是 作者赋予了她一...
评分世界上就会有这么一些人,他们不会因为自己的生活安逸、足够而感到幸福,他们不会因为其他所有尘世间的幸福因素的具备而感到幸福。他们总想去寻找本源。什么是本源?宇宙的,还是精神的? 雅典娜寻找生母,试图填补空白的过程实际上暗示着她在寻找另一种层次上的“自我”。再后...
评分不止一次感覺心痛, 明明是以記錄訪談的方式刻意造成一種疏離感的寫法, 但我卻每每感到悲傷。 過年期間我幾乎無法睡覺,每晚我捧著書直至天明。 我終於可以為自己整個年少青春歲月的慌恐無助找到註解, 於是我也終於弄懂為什麼我非要選一條比較艱難的道路。 我終於明白為什麼...
评分 评分图书标签: Paulo_Coelho PauloCoelho 英文 小说 英文原版 巴西 英文小说 Portobello
How do we find the courage to always be true to ourselves—even if we are unsure of whom we are? </p>
That is the central question of international bestselling author Paulo Coelho's profound new work, The Witch of Portobello. It is the story of a mysterious woman named Athena, told by the many who knew her well—or hardly at all. Among them: </p> <blockquote>
"People create a reality and then become the victims of that reality. Athena rebelled against that—and paid a high price."
Heron Ryan, journalist </p>
"I was used and manipulated by Athena, with no consideration for my feelings. She was my teacher, charged with passing on the sacred mysteries, with awakening the unknown energy we all possess. When we venture into that unfamiliar sea, we trust blindly in those who guide us, believing that they know more than we do."
Andrea McCain, actress </p>
"Athena's great problem was that she was a woman of the twenty-second century living in the twenty-first, and making no secret of the fact, either. Did she pay a price? She certainly did. But she would have paid a still higher price if she had repressed her natural exuberance. She would have been bitter, frustrated, always concerned about 'what other people might think,' always saying, 'I'll just sort these things out, then I'll devote myself to my dream,' always complaining 'that the conditions are never quite right.'"
Deidre O'Neill, known as Edda </p> </blockquote>
Like The Alchemist, The Witch of Portobello is the kind of story that will transform the way readers think about love, passion, joy, and sacrifice. </p>
邂逅:2009.8.15.于上海书展; 旅程:2009.8.28.-2009.9.1.; 地点:上海家中。 勇敢、自由、大胆、与众不同。这样,即使是死掉,至少也可以骄傲地说曾经独一无二地活过。读到最后最绝妙的是,她竟然懂得在必要的时候和过去的灿烂的自己一刀两断,以另一种方式,其实灿烂依旧。非常喜欢这样的Witch of Portobello!非常喜欢这样的保罗叔叔!
评分其实和The Alchemist相比,这本书只能说,还行了...
评分PAULO理想中的女性形象吧. 当然, 理想只能是理想.
评分邂逅:2009.8.15.于上海书展; 旅程:2009.8.28.-2009.9.1.; 地点:上海家中。 勇敢、自由、大胆、与众不同。这样,即使是死掉,至少也可以骄傲地说曾经独一无二地活过。读到最后最绝妙的是,她竟然懂得在必要的时候和过去的灿烂的自己一刀两断,以另一种方式,其实灿烂依旧。非常喜欢这样的Witch of Portobello!非常喜欢这样的保罗叔叔!
评分PAULO理想中的女性形象吧. 当然, 理想只能是理想.
The Witch of Portobello 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书