安托萬·德·聖埃剋蘇佩裏(Antoine de Saint-Exupery, 1900-1944)1900年6月29日齣生在法國裏昂。他曾經有誌於報考海軍學院,未能如願,卻有幸成瞭空軍的一員。1923年退役後,先後從事過各種不同的職業。
This parable tells the story of an air pilot who meets a Little Prince when he has to make a forced landing in the Sahara Desert. The Little Prince tells him wise and enchanted stories.
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文/ 夢遊三水 狐狸對小王子說:隻有用心看,纔能看得清楚;本質的東西,眼睛是看不見的。讀到這句話的時候,我想起初中語文課上,老師在黑闆的正中央寫瞭兩個大字:眼界。已記不清老師當時圍繞這兩個字講瞭多少道理,隻依稀記得其總體大意是眼界會隨時光而變化。他說,也許多...
評分 評分零 四月天是人間最好的時候,自然也是北京最好的時候,柳絮楊絮們開始瞭春裝展示,肆無忌憚防不勝防的漸欲迷人眼。除此之外,前幾天屬螃蟹的病毒橫行,敝菜鳥不幸中招,費瞭比九牛還多二虎之力,重裝瞭n次係統,纔又貌似正常。但我...
評分 評分第一次讀小王子還是大學的時候,感動於小王子對於玫瑰的執著,迷茫於那個狐狸的抉擇。 後來,長大瞭一點,開始喜歡那個聰明的甚至過於聰明的狐狸,她的桀驁不馴和孤獨,她的矜持和她的超脫。難道世上真有這般有靈性的動物? 再後來,在我的一個故事裏,我給他講瞭小王子的故...
圖書標籤: 英文原版 小王子 法國 經典 外國文學 英文版 童書 童話
The English version moves me more than the Chinese one. Maybe when reading it in Chinese, I was a child, but I am a grown-up now. This book aims at grown-ups rather than children who are as pure as the little prince. And the most amazing is that the original version is not French but English, although the author is a Frenchman.
評分i'd lost my little prince, and i just don't know how to get it back :(
評分The English version moves me more than the Chinese one. Maybe when reading it in Chinese, I was a child, but I am a grown-up now. This book aims at grown-ups rather than children who are as pure as the little prince. And the most amazing is that the original version is not French but English, although the author is a Frenchman.
評分Anniversary Gift. To Chris, a little girl. 被豬豬吃掉的兔子. 我纔不是因為愛你纔是那支特彆的玫瑰呢,你可是我的Rag doll. Chris
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