The late C. Wright Mills, former Professor of Sociology at Columbia University, was a leading critic of modern American civilization. His other books include The Sociological Imagination and The Power Elite (both OUP). Russell Jacoby is Professor of History at UCLA and a contributing writer to The Nation, The New York Times, and Harper's.
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这是老师布置的读书笔记,既然写了就贴过来吧) 白领是什么?社会学来源生活,许多的名词在定义的时候便遇到众口难调的问题。但是要对一个问题进行分析,概念界定必然是第一步。然而在阅读米尔斯的这本有着丰富而细致的描写和充满启发的新奇观点的著作时,笔者的第一感觉却是...
评分本文转载自微信公众号:折射集(ID:zhesheji-njup) 本篇原文为周晓虹教授介绍的自己对中产阶级的研究,有删改。周教授在文中追问:“为什么国人还是会对中国是否存在一个中产阶级或中产阶层持强强烈的怀疑态度?” 对这一问题的回答,实际上也就是他对“中产阶级”的界定。 ...
图书标签: 社会学 米尔斯 美国的中产阶级 中产 阶层 Sociology 美国 人类学
This volume, a second edition of what has become a major work of American sociological thought, demonstrates how the conditions and styles of middle class life - originating from elements of both the newer lower and upper classes - represent modern society as a whole. In his thesis, by examining white-collar life, Mills aimed to learn something about what was becoming more typically "American" than the once-famous Western frontier character. He painted a picture instead of a society that had evolved into a business-based milieu, viewing America instead as a great salesroom, an enormous file, and a new universe of management. Russell Jacoby, author of "The End of Utopia" and "The Last Intellectuals" contributes an afterword to this edition, in which he reflects on the impact the book had at its original publication and considers what it means to society in the 21st century.
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