瓦西里·格罗斯曼 Васи́лий Гро́ссман (1905 - 1964),苏俄记者、作家。1905年生于乌克兰别尔基切夫,早年毕业于莫斯科大学数学物理系,当过化学工程师,1930年代投身写作行列,得到高尔基、巴别尔等文坛大家赏识,入选苏联国家作协。第二次世界大战期间作为《红星报》战 地记者随军四年,大量报道莫斯科、库斯克、斯大林格勒和柏林等地前线战况,是揭露纳粹德国死亡集中营真相的第一人。战后发表小说《人民是不朽的》《为了正义的事业》等。1960年完成长篇小说《生活与命运》,手稿被苏联当局抄没并禁止出版。1964年格罗斯曼因癌症病逝。1974 年,在安德烈·萨哈罗夫、弗拉基米尔·沃伊诺维奇等人帮助下,手稿被拍摄在缩微胶卷上偷运出苏联。1980 年代初,《生活与命运》在欧美各国相继问世,1988年在苏联出版。
译者 力冈 (1926 - 1997),俄苏文学翻译家,1953年毕业于哈尔滨外国语专门学校俄语专业,后任教于安徽师范大学,翻译了《静静的顿河》《安娜·卡列尼娜》等近七百万字俄苏文学作品。
Life and Fate 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
1 俄罗斯文学一直有两个传统,首先是现实主义,从托尔斯泰开始,到陀斯妥耶夫斯基,到契诃夫、屠格涅夫、高尔基、肖洛霍夫、帕斯捷尔纳克、索尔仁尼琴……无不如此;其次就是很多作家都喜欢写全景式的巨著,上述作家除了契诃夫和屠格涅夫之外似乎都有过这种尝试——如果高尔基...
评分理想国版格罗斯曼《生活与命运》新书沙龙 2015年9月26日 单向空间大悦城店 主讲人:刘文飞,中国社科院外文所研究员、俄罗斯文学研究室主任,文学博士,中国社科院研究生院教授、博士生导师,中国俄罗斯文学研究会会长,中国社科院长城学者,美国耶鲁大学富布赖特学者,俄...
评分图书标签: 小说 Vasily·Grossman 文学 VasilyGrossman 苏联 历史 英语 苏联俄罗斯
A book judged so dangerous in the Soviet Union that not only the manuscript but the ribbons on which it had been typed were confiscated by the state, Life and Fate is an epic tale of World War II and a profound reckoning with the dark forces that dominated the twentieth century.
Interweaving a transfixing account of the battle of Stalingrad with the story of a single middle-class family, the Shaposhnikovs, scattered by fortune from Germany to Siberia, Vasily Grossman fashions an immense, intricately detailed tapestry depicting a time of almost unimaginable horror and even stranger hope.
Life and Fate juxtaposes bedrooms and snipers’ nests, scientific laboratories and the Gulag, taking us deep into the hearts and minds of characters ranging from a boy on his way to the gas chambers to Hitler and Stalin themselves.
This novel of unsparing realism and visionary moral intensity is one of the supreme achievements of modern Russian literature.
“whatever life holds in store – hard-won glory, poverty and despair, or death in a labour camp – they will live as human beings and die as human beings, the same as those who have already perished; and in this alone lies man's eternal and bitter victory over all the grandiose and inhuman forces that ever have been or will be”
评分"Very slowly and gently, his eyes still closed, he repeated the words of a song: 'You're caught in the net, my pretty little bird, I won't let you go for anything in the world.' Poskrebyshev looked at Stalin, at his grey, thinning hair, his pock-marked face, his closed eyes; suddenly he felt the ends of his fingers grow cold."
评分“whatever life holds in store – hard-won glory, poverty and despair, or death in a labour camp – they will live as human beings and die as human beings, the same as those who have already perished; and in this alone lies man's eternal and bitter victory over all the grandiose and inhuman forces that ever have been or will be”
评分“whatever life holds in store – hard-won glory, poverty and despair, or death in a labour camp – they will live as human beings and die as human beings, the same as those who have already perished; and in this alone lies man's eternal and bitter victory over all the grandiose and inhuman forces that ever have been or will be”
评分"Very slowly and gently, his eyes still closed, he repeated the words of a song: 'You're caught in the net, my pretty little bird, I won't let you go for anything in the world.' Poskrebyshev looked at Stalin, at his grey, thinning hair, his pock-marked face, his closed eyes; suddenly he felt the ends of his fingers grow cold."
Life and Fate 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书