Includes a Foreword by Joel L. Naroff, PhD,
President, Naroff Economic Advisors, Inc.
Chief Economist, Commerce Bank
"Over the past century, Americans' images of China have fluctuated wildly from victim, to heroic fighter, to Communist fanatic. We have loved them and feared them. And now, as Sara Bongiorni shows in vivid personal terms, we are in a new phase where it is a little of both. China has become an economic giant that can step on our toes, but that we must embrace."
-John Maxwell Hamilton, Dean and Hopkins P. Breazeale Foundation Professor Manship School of Mass Communication, Louisiana State University
"When the writer resolves to forgo Chinese imports for one year, she leads her lively family in a fascinating experiment that requires surprising feats of will power and ingenuity. The family's adventure through the maze of modern America's consumer life is both thought provoking and delightful to read. Those little 'Made in China' labels will never seem the same again."
-Mark Fabiani, former White House special counsel and media/political consultant
"Breaking up is indeed hard to do, as Sara Bongiorni proves in this winning memoir of her household's one-year boycott of Chinese products. Equal parts Erma Bombeck and economics, A Year Without 'Made in China' is that lively miracle-a crash course in globalization that is also consummately entertaining."
-Danny Heitman, columnist for The Advocate (Baton Rouge)
"A funny and engaging story about one family's experiment in our global economy. The Bongiorni family does without sneakers, sunglasses, and printer cartridges, but develops a dogged creativity and much needed sense of humor. The myriad moral complexities in the relationship between American consumers and Chinese factory are evident in each shopping trip."
-Pietra Rivoli, PhD, Professor, McDonough School of Business, Georgetown University and author, The Travels of a T-Shirt in the Global Economy
"You will never go shopping the same way again! It's impossible to read Sara Bongiorni's book and not be captivated by the complexity and challenge of her task, and to then try it yourself for a day and fail miserably at it by lunchtime. This is the rare book that makes you think about how big global issues actually hit home, and it will have you discussing those issues with your friends."
-Chuck Jaffe, Senior Columnist, MarketWatch host, Your Money (www.yourmoneyradio.net)
A Year Without "Made in China" 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
話說有一美國主婦在過完某年的聖誕節後,看著滿屋子的make in China突發奇想:失去中國製造,世界會怎樣? 她決定試一下。一場為期一年的抵製中國製造運動開始瞭。 真是不抵製不知道,一抵製嚇一跳。平靚正隻有選China(盡管,真正的靚正還有待商榷)。 事情是這樣的,我們...
評分《沒有中國製造的一年》,2015年年初從颱灣宜蘭的鄉間書店將它帶瞭迴來,吸引我的是副標題——一個傢庭的全球化新體驗。作為世界工廠的中國,讓Made in China遍布全球,那作為享用中國製造的他國民眾,他們對這樣的狀況有何想法和行動,這讓我好奇。 作者Sara Bongiorni財經記...
評分這本書作者寫作風格活潑幽默,甚至帶些辛辣,也許不是特彆客觀,但讀著很過癮。在此想徵詢一下中國的譯名。(颱版和此前的大陸主流媒體都譯為第一個名字。) ·沒有“中國製造”的一年 ·離開“中國製造”的一年 ·一年不買中國貨 大傢覺得哪個名字好呢? 本書主要內容: 20...
評分《離開中國製造的一年》 沒想到在這麼快的時間內,美國人的日常生活已經都在用中國生産的産品瞭。不僅僅的傢電和服裝,中國産品幾乎遍布美國的每一個角落,而且還在不斷蔓延。作者所謂的離開中國製造,隻不過是在一年內不買産自中國的東西,以前傢裏中國的東西還是一樣用的。...
評分話說有一美國主婦在過完某年的聖誕節後,看著滿屋子的make in China突發奇想:失去中國製造,世界會怎樣? 她決定試一下。一場為期一年的抵製中國製造運動開始瞭。 真是不抵製不知道,一抵製嚇一跳。平靚正隻有選China(盡管,真正的靚正還有待商榷)。 事情是這樣的,我們...
圖書標籤: 中國製造 經濟 全球化 美國 Economy in 英語 year
The author really should do something more meaningful and interesting.
評分made in China
評分"so living without chinese products may be an option,but it is not a very realistic one"哈哈哈,和當年高口口試題目有點像的!
A Year Without "Made in China" 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載