Conservative historian Paul Johnson wears his ideology proudly on his sleeve in this often ruthless dissection of the thinkers and artists who (in his view) have shaped modern Western culture, having replaced some 200 years ago "the old clerisy as the guides and mentors of mankind." Taking on the likes of Karl Marx, Bertrand Russell, Lillian Hellman, and Noam Chomsky in turn, Johnson examines one idol after another and finds them all to have feet of clay. In his account, for instance, Ernest Hemingway emerges as an artistic hero who labored endlessly to forge a literary style unmistakably his own, but also as a deeply flawed man whose concern for the perfect phrase did not carry over to a concern for the women who loved him. Gossipy and sharply opinionated, Johnson's essay in cultural history spares no one.
Does it really matter that Henrik Ibsen was vain and arrogant, that Jean-Paul Sartre was incontinent? In Johnson's view, it does: these all-too-human foibles disqualify them, and other thinkers, from presuming to criticize the shortcomings of society. "Beware intellectuals," he concludes (though, given the subjects of his book, it seems he means intellectuals only of the left). "Not only should they be kept well away from the levers of power, they should also be objects of particular suspicion when they seek to offer collective advice." Whether one agrees or not, Johnson's profiles are frequently amusing and illuminating, as when he suggests that the only proletarian Karl Marx ever knew in person was the poor maid who worked for him for decades and was never paid, except in room and board, for her labors.
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看完瞭保羅.約翰遜的《知識分子》。 這是一本專揭知識分子尤其是大知識分子短的書。作者詳盡地展示和評說瞭盧梭、雪萊、易蔔生、托爾斯泰、海明威、布萊希特、羅素、薩特、埃德濛·威爾遜、維剋多·高蘭茨、莉蓮·海爾曼等十多位人文知識分子不為常人所知的私生活。以往,這些...
評分剛讀畢《知識分子》(保羅·約翰遜著),國內發行本缺關於馬剋思的那一章,網上有譯文。 作者認為知識分子應為本世紀那些造成巨大社會災難的計劃負責,作者對一些著名知識分子追名逐利、言行不一進行瞭揭露(從學術看很難進行事實反駁),這是本書的價值之一。但是作者選取的十...
評分想必作者肯定不喜歡尼采的超人思想吧? 作者所謂的知識分子“抽象”思考的人,是保羅定義為作者本人必須符閤其“抽象”思考的人的未來類型。 尼采的超人思想是追求的一種人的類型,是超越現在的未來人,他高屋建瓴的仰望的未來的人的類型,而不是現存的人。保羅真是誤導瞭廣大...
評分剛讀畢《知識分子》(保羅·約翰遜著),國內發行本缺關於馬剋思的那一章,網上有譯文。 作者認為知識分子應為本世紀那些造成巨大社會災難的計劃負責,作者對一些著名知識分子追名逐利、言行不一進行瞭揭露(從學術看很難進行事實反駁),這是本書的價值之一。但是作者選取的十...
評分保羅·約翰遜以近乎八卦的方式,更多的是通過對私生活的描寫,對曆史上的一些大師進行瞭褒貶(當然主要是貶斥和批判)。讓我們來看看這個大師的名單:盧梭、雪萊、列夫·托爾斯泰、薩特、威爾遜、高蘭茨、海明威……每個人都有專門一章,捎帶著被品評的,還有拜倫、狄德羅等。 ...
圖書標籤: 曆史 傳記 知識分子 英語 迴憶錄/傳記 essay Paul_Johnson
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評分以記者的筆法寫偉人八卦 有趣 有料 也有偏見
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