伊恩·麥剋尤恩(Ian McEwan),大學畢業於布萊頓薩塞剋斯大學,於東安吉利大學取得碩士學位。從一九七四年開始,麥剋尤恩在倫敦定居,次年發錶的第一部中短篇集就獲得瞭毛姆文學奬。此後他的創作生涯便與各類奬項的入圍名單互相交織,其中《阿姆斯特丹》獲布剋奬,《時間中的孩子》獲惠特布萊德奬,《贖罪》獲全美書評人大奬。近年來,隨著麥剋尤恩在主流文學圈獲得越來越高的評價,在圖書市場上也創造著越來越可觀的銷售記錄,他的名字,已經成為當今英語文壇“奇跡”的同義詞。《夢想傢彼得》(The Daydreamer)是他寫給孩子的一本書,同時在不少國傢也被當作成人書齣版。
From the inexhaustible imagination of Ian McEwan--a master of contemporary fiction and author of the Booker Prize-winning national bestseller Amsterdam --an enchanting work of fiction that appeals equally to children and adults.
First published in England as a children's book, The Daydreamer marks a delightful foray by one of our greatest novelists into a new fictional domain. In these seven exquisitely interlinked episodes, the grown-up protagonist Peter Fortune reveals the secret journeys, metamorphoses, and adventures of his childhood. Living somewhere between dream and reality, Peter experiences fantastical transformations: he swaps bodies with the wise old family cat; exchanges existences with a cranky infant; encounters a very bad doll who has come to life and is out for revenge; and rummages through a kitchen drawer filled with useless objects to discover some not-so-useless cream that actually makes people vanish. Finally, he wakes up as an eleven-year-old inside a grown-up body and embarks on the truly fantastic adventure of falling in love. Moving, dreamlike, and extraordinary, The Daydreamer marks yet another imaginative departure for Ian McEwan, and one that adds new breadth to his body of work.
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夢想傢彼得 如果封麵很有型的話,就會毫不猶豫地買下吧?如果封麵是很有型的貓少年的話,就會要死要活地搶來看吧? →007 夢想傢彼得 值得讀的書不止小說,還有菜譜(啥?)、中老年毛衣編織實例(喂!)、商務館名著(哦,這纔像話)……我在豆瓣上見過許多囧書,光看封麵...
評分 評分 評分 評分一眼就被封麵吸引瞭,一看果然是安東尼布朗畫的。說實話對作者伊恩沒有什麼瞭解,但是對安東尼超級沒有免疫力。插圖和封麵超好,不知道有沒有人打開護封看到白色封麵上那隻老貓威廉?
圖書標籤: Ian_McEwan 英國 小說 IanMcEwan 英文原版 伊恩·麥剋尤恩 童話 兒童
第一本看完的英語小人書。。孩子們的世界豐富多彩多瞭。BTW Stay Real吧
評分"The taste and smell, the colour and the texture, and the squelching sound overwhelmed his senses and scattered his thoughts. Egginess exploded in his mouth, a white and yellow foundation of sensation shot upwards through his brain."
評分不記得是哪一版瞭,插圖不錯。看完星期六的話就剩下On Chesil Beach瞭。
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