伊恩·麦克尤恩(Ian McEwan),大学毕业于布莱顿萨塞克斯大学,于东安吉利大学取得硕士学位。从一九七四年开始,麦克尤恩在伦敦定居,次年发表的第一部中短篇集就获得了毛姆文学奖。此后他的创作生涯便与各类奖项的入围名单互相交织,其中《阿姆斯特丹》获布克奖,《时间中的孩子》获惠特布莱德奖,《赎罪》获全美书评人大奖。近年来,随着麦克尤恩在主流文学圈获得越来越高的评价,在图书市场上也创造着越来越可观的销售记录,他的名字,已经成为当今英语文坛“奇迹”的同义词。《梦想家彼得》(The Daydreamer)是他写给孩子的一本书,同时在不少国家也被当作成人书出版。
The Daydreamer 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
梦想家彼得 如果封面很有型的话,就会毫不犹豫地买下吧?如果封面是很有型的猫少年的话,就会要死要活地抢来看吧? →007 梦想家彼得 值得读的书不止小说,还有菜谱(啥?)、中老年毛衣编织实例(喂!)、商务馆名著(哦,这才像话)……我在豆瓣上见过许多囧书,光看封面...
评分因为装帧、插图、文风、译笔,样样都令我爱不释手,我决定郑重其事地将此书——中文名《梦想家彼得》,英文名The Daydreamer(09年5月生)——封为我的“床头书”。说是床头书,却不一定是总放在床头的。我去年暑假买的这书,本来以为在坐车回家的路上就能看完,没想到我一看就...
评分一直在看儿童书。从最早的小王子开始,再到小公主,包括上半年看的芒果街上的小屋。我觉得这些文字都很难得。一个从形体和阅历上都已经成年许久的人,要经过多大的努力才可以找回一个孩子看世界的角度。 我喜欢这本书。特别。尤其。非常。这些平时在我看来有点绝对的程度副词,...
评分 评分图书标签: Ian_McEwan 英国 小说 IanMcEwan 英文原版 伊恩·麦克尤恩 童话 儿童
From the inexhaustible imagination of Ian McEwan--a master of contemporary fiction and author of the Booker Prize-winning national bestseller Amsterdam --an enchanting work of fiction that appeals equally to children and adults.
First published in England as a children's book, The Daydreamer marks a delightful foray by one of our greatest novelists into a new fictional domain. In these seven exquisitely interlinked episodes, the grown-up protagonist Peter Fortune reveals the secret journeys, metamorphoses, and adventures of his childhood. Living somewhere between dream and reality, Peter experiences fantastical transformations: he swaps bodies with the wise old family cat; exchanges existences with a cranky infant; encounters a very bad doll who has come to life and is out for revenge; and rummages through a kitchen drawer filled with useless objects to discover some not-so-useless cream that actually makes people vanish. Finally, he wakes up as an eleven-year-old inside a grown-up body and embarks on the truly fantastic adventure of falling in love. Moving, dreamlike, and extraordinary, The Daydreamer marks yet another imaginative departure for Ian McEwan, and one that adds new breadth to his body of work.
评分Cutie Pete<3
评分虽说是儿童文学,但麦克尤恩出手必定重口。太多的诡异都潜伏在童话背后,多想两秒便令人毛骨悚然。另外,The Bully那篇里关于梦的猜想和硬塞不深不谋而合呢~
The Daydreamer 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书