Heller was born in North London as the youngest of four children of a German-Jewish immigrant, Lukas Heller, who was also a successful screenwriter. Her mother was instrumental in keeping up the Labour Party's "Save London Transport Campaign". Heller read English at St Anne's College, Oxford, and then went on to Columbia University, New York.
Heller then returned to London to work as a columnist. She now lives in New York City, writes for the Daily Telegraph, and contributes to The New Yorker and other magazines. She also published two novels, Everything You Know (1999) and Notes on a Scandal (2003), which was one of six books shortlisted for the prestigious Booker Prize in 2003.
Zoë Heller now lives in New York with her husband, screenwriter Larry Konner, and their two daughters.
Notes on a Scandal 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
终于看完了《丑闻笔记》。我是惊愕的。 “值得玩味的不伦之恋,令人捧腹的幽默,促狭而机智,视角尖锐。在阅读中,读者被逗乐却有喘不过气——这段恋情中的两人,一边是敢冒天下之大不韪,一边是在自欺中沉醉,被紧闭在欲望和背叛中,无助而无法自拔。”VOGUE如是评论。 “我...
评分很多人都应当记得第一次从猫眼里窥视外界,熟悉的地方变得扭曲,内心无比期待地,踮着脚凑在猫眼前,看陌生人在邻居家门口来来去去。 我们都有窥探欲,把自己包裹在安全的所在,对他人的生活指指点点,充分享受获得秘密的愉悦和道德的优越感。若非如此,怎会有火爆的电视真人...
评分终于看完了《丑闻笔记》。我是惊愕的。 “值得玩味的不伦之恋,令人捧腹的幽默,促狭而机智,视角尖锐。在阅读中,读者被逗乐却有喘不过气——这段恋情中的两人,一边是敢冒天下之大不韪,一边是在自欺中沉醉,被紧闭在欲望和背叛中,无助而无法自拔。”VOGUE如是评论。 “我...
评分在我看来,这本书借一个不伦之恋的外壳,要探讨的是这样一个问题:到底要如何在这个“现代世界”上生存?是希芭式?还是芭芭拉式? 在老姑婆芭芭拉看来,美丽的希芭“心满意足,快乐无比,简直是现代生活的一个奇迹”——那就意味着是在说:现代生活不允许奇迹。 希芭曾经这...
评分卓伊•海勒(Zöe Heller)的小说《丑闻笔记》入围2003年英国布克奖决选;同名电影获2007年第79届奥斯卡奖4项提名。小说里,40岁女教师希芭和15岁男学生康纳利展开一段不伦之恋。恋情曝光,舆情沸腾,希芭被控“猥亵男童”,身败名裂,康纳利也跟她分手。希芭的同事芭芭拉...
图书标签: 文学 小说 心理 fiction 英文原版 外国文学 五星 scene-staged
Notes on a Scandal 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书