罗伯特·斯基德尔斯基1934年7月19日出生在中国哈尔滨一个俄籍犹太富商家庭,婴儿时就同父母一起被日本关东军拘押在日本一年。战后由于无法拿回在哈尔滨的巨大家产,移居英国,六十多年后才重新访问幼时的故园(2005年9月曾来华讲学). 他的《凯恩斯传》使他成为“20世纪最伟大的传记作家之一”,享誉国际学术界,并被英国女王封为勋爵。这本积三十年功力的著作只有一个中心思想:经济学不是“科学”,而是伦理学的一种应用,经济学家首先应该具有文化和道德观。
John Maynard Keynes 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
评分于是我关上了门窗,泡上了咖啡,打开台灯,铺开日记本,为这么100万字的《凯恩斯传》写点什么。 首先它真的很厚,比我之前看的50万字的《曾国藩家书》要内容多的多;其次是对凯恩斯的天才的印象深刻,接近全能似的多面手,从伊顿公学,剑桥国王学院都鲜有败绩。。。 然后...
评分John Maynard Keynes We all know that he was the British economist who initiated the school of economic thought - Neo-Keynesian Economics, which dominated economic thinking of the Western world from 1940s to 1970s, and that Keynes and the Neo-Keynesian theo...
评分John Maynard Keynes We all know that he was the British economist who initiated the school of economic thought - Neo-Keynesian Economics, which dominated economic thinking of the Western world from 1940s to 1970s, and that Keynes and the Neo-Keynesian theo...
评分图书标签: 历史 经济学 凯恩斯 传记 EconHistory Bagua
The second installment of Skidelsky's three-volume biography of the 20th century's most influential and controversial economist. As in the superb first volume (1986)--which took Keynes (1883-1946) through the immediate aftermath of WW I--Skidelsky (International Studies/University of Warwick) offers a perceptive portrait, one that here reveals a worldly-wise philosopher at the peak of his considerable powers. Focusing on Keynes the innovative, albeit pragmatic, thinker who abandoned any notion that classical economics was a body of knowledge rather than a method of analysis, the author provides accessible perspectives on how the economist involved himself in Whitehall's disastrous decision to return England to the gold standard in 1925; in the mass misery of the Depression; and in other great issues. Stressing his subject's constant efforts to devise an economic system that would tame capitalism's more savage features without unleashing socialism, Skidelsky shows how Keynes achieved international stature sufficient to affect FDR's New Deal and then went on to write a masterwork with remarkable staying power, The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money. In tracing the metamorphosis of Keynes from clever young man to authoritative adult, moreover, the author doesn't scant the public man's private life. Among other insights, he provides a moving account of how Keynes, long a homosexual, astounded Bloomsbury friends by falling in love with and marrying Lydia Lopokova, a Russian ballerina. Covered as well are the ways in which Keynes (who moved easily among venues as varied as academe, the arts, finance, government, and high society) used his market savvy to make himself a wealthy man. (One cavil: Skidelsky devotes too much attention to trivial details--e.g., furniture purchases for the Keynes country home and the given names of a servant's children.) A comprehensive and commanding profile that's bidding fair to become the standard reference. (Sixteen pages of b&w illustrations) -- Copyright ©1993, Kirkus Associates, LP. All rights reserved.
John Maynard Keynes 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书