Who Cut the Cheese? 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
屁,天天都会有,与我们相伴一辈子,不舍不弃。在经意、不经意间,平均每天你放出了8、9个屁。 我曾听说过一小儿找屁的真实故事:一个3岁的小孩,在家门口放了一屁,不知道为何物,只觉得气味特别。于是,四下寻找,却怎么也找不到,逗得全家人乐哈哈。 还有,在我小学的...
评分屁,天天都会有,与我们相伴一辈子,不舍不弃。在经意、不经意间,平均每天你放出了8、9个屁。 我曾听说过一小儿找屁的真实故事:一个3岁的小孩,在家门口放了一屁,不知道为何物,只觉得气味特别。于是,四下寻找,却怎么也找不到,逗得全家人乐哈哈。 还有,在我小学的...
评分大学时,宿舍的老二堪称屁王。不过说他之前,先讲讲老三,因为老二也很佩服老三放的屁。 话说有次老二跟老三去班上上晚自习。在走廊上,老三放了一个用老二的话说是巨屁的屁,可谓是振聋发聩。关键是这个巨屁让正在教室上晚自习的一女生吓得惊叫一声。老二见此,立刻逃离老三身...
评分cut the cheese=切奶酪? 字面意思是的。 不过大家可以想一下切奶酪时的气味, 不喜欢的人肯定是要皱眉头,捂鼻子了。 所以呢, 这个词组的言下之意其实就是‘放屁屁’的意思啦。 最近托hommy的福,看了这本挺好玩儿的书: 看的过程中,虽然也有严肃的思考,不过也真让我时...
评分图书标签: Cheese 开卷8分钟 科普 社會學 歷史 the ppp Who
We've told you HOW TO SHIT IN THE WOODS. We've taken you UP SHIT CREEK. Now, we dare to ask the eternal question...WHO CUT THE CHEESE? Which is to say, what exactly is a fart? Why do we do it? Why do we hide it when we do it? And why do we find farts so darn funny? A cut above anything else on the subject, this book really lets go and tells all, getting to the bottom of these mysteries. Author Jim sniffs out a load of historical and scientific fart tales, then offers the kind of fun facts you'll be dying to let slip at social occasions, in chapters like "Fart Facts That Aren't Just Hot Air," "Gone with the Wind" (on famous movie farts), and "Le Petomane & the Art of the Fart" (on the most famous windbag in history). From fact to fiction to frivolous flatulence, this book is unquestionably a ripping good read.
Who Cut the Cheese? 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书