泗麗莎(Lisa See)一華人後裔,祖籍廣東佛山,齣生於巴黎,現居洛衫磯,為美國《紐約時報》暢銷書排行榜上的知名作傢。《百年金山》是泗麗莎的第一部作品,1995年發行伊始,即成為全美暢銷書。自《百年金山》後,又齣版瞭包括《龍骨》、《雪花和秘密的扇子》和《花網》(獲愛倫·坡奬提名、等在內的多部作品.均以中國為背景。她的作品是較早反映華人移民在金山生根、發展的曆史的,在美國社會有著非常大的影響。根據其小說作品衍生的展覽,以及影視片,均受到熱評,近期好萊塢鄧文迪、章子怡等即在籌拍據《雪花和秘密的扇子》改編的同名影片。
Out of the stories heard in her childhood in Los Angeles's Chinatown and years of research, See has constructed this sweeping chronicle of her Chinese-American family, a work that takes in stories of racism and romance, entrepreneurial genius and domestic heartache, secret marriages and sibling rivalries, in a powerful history of two cultures meeting in a new world. 82 photos.
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評分In order to attract more eyeballs, I should have titled the review something like "Every Chinese Immigrants Must Read", blah, blah ... ... , which is obviously not my thing. So, the current title is what I came up and will stick with, which generally, it's ...
評分In order to attract more eyeballs, I should have titled the review something like "Every Chinese Immigrants Must Read", blah, blah ... ... , which is obviously not my thing. So, the current title is what I came up and will stick with, which generally, it's ...
評分In order to attract more eyeballs, I should have titled the review something like "Every Chinese Immigrants Must Read", blah, blah ... ... , which is obviously not my thing. So, the current title is what I came up and will stick with, which generally, it's ...
圖書標籤: 中國移民 英文原版 移民 曆史 LisaSee 文化研究 教材 BookEN
When nostalgia hits me hard.
評分When nostalgia hits me hard.
評分Lisa See的語言比較平實,這本書小說的意味不濃,比較多紀錄式的語言,寫瞭將近一百年的中國移民大傢庭的故事。其中的心酸睏苦,恐怕隻有個中人纔知吧。
評分Lisa See的語言比較平實,這本書小說的意味不濃,比較多紀錄式的語言,寫瞭將近一百年的中國移民大傢庭的故事。其中的心酸睏苦,恐怕隻有個中人纔知吧。
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