海明威(Ernest Hemingway,1899~1961)美國小說傢、諾貝爾文學奬獲得者。1899年7月21日生於芝加哥市郊橡膠園小鎮。父親是醫生和體育愛好者,母親從事音樂教育。6個兄弟姐妹中,他排行第二,從小酷愛體育、捕魚和狩獵。中學畢業後曾去法國等地旅行,迴國後當過見習記者。第一次大戰爆發後,他誌願赴意大利當戰地救護車司機。1918年夏在前綫被炮彈炸成重傷,迴國休養。後來去加拿大多倫多市星報任記者。1921年重返巴黎,結識美國女作傢斯坦因、青年作傢安德森和詩人龐德等。1923年發錶處女作《三個短篇小說和十首詩》,隨後遊曆歐洲各國。1926年齣版瞭長篇小說《太陽照常升起》,初獲成功,被斯坦因稱為“迷惘的一代”。1929年,反映第一次世界大戰的長篇巨著《永彆瞭,武器》的問世給作傢帶來瞭聲譽。 30年代初,海明威到非洲旅行和狩獵。1935年寫成《非洲的青山》和一些短篇小說。 1937年發錶瞭描寫美國與古巴之間海上走私活動的小說《有錢人和沒錢人》。西班牙內戰期間,他3次以記者身份親臨前綫,在炮火中寫瞭劇本《第五縱隊》,並創作瞭以美國人參加西班牙人民反法西斯戰爭為題材的長篇小說《喪鍾為誰而鳴》(1940)。他曾與許多美國知名作傢和學者捐款支援西班牙人民正義鬥爭。1941年偕夫人瑪莎訪問中國,支持我國抗日戰爭。後又以戰地記者身份重赴歐洲,並多次參加戰鬥。戰後客居古巴,潛心寫作。1952年,《老人與海》問世,深受好評,翌年獲普利策奬。1954年獲諾貝爾文學奬。卡斯特羅掌權後,他離開古巴返美定居。因身上多處舊傷,百病纏身,精神憂鬱, 1961年7月2日用獵槍自殺。 海明威去世後發錶的遺作,主要有:《島在灣流中》(1970)和《伊甸園》(1986)。他那獨特的風格和塑造的硬漢子形象對現代歐美文學産生深遠的影響。
The ideal introduction to the genius of Ernest Hemingway, "The Snows of Kilimanjaro and Other Stories" contains ten of Hemingway's most acclaimed and popular works of short fiction. Selected from "Winner Take Nothing, Men Without Women, " and "The Fifth Column and the First Forty-Nine Stories, " this collection includes "The Killers," the first of Hemingway's mature stories to be accepted by an American periodical; the autobiographical "Fathers and Sons," which alludes, for the first time in Hemingway's career, to his father's suicide; "The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber," a "brilliant fusion of personal observation, hearsay and invention," wrote Hemingway's biographer, Carlos Baker; and the title story itself, of which Hemingway said: "I put all the true stuff in," with enough material, he boasted, to fill four novels. Beautiful in their simplicity, startling in their originality, and unsurpassed in their craftsmanship, the stories in this volume highlight one of America's master storytellers at the top of his form.
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嶄新的太陽將嶄新的陽光灑滿世界。 盡管厭惡失眠帶來的精神亢奮,但的確失眠讓我在清晨坐公車去海邊買到瞭新鮮的海魚。 呼吸著屬於淩晨特有的空氣味道,青草的草香夾雜著露水的潮濕,帶來瞭奇妙愉悅感,坐在車上翻著易蔔生的戲劇,傾聽鄰座的女人沒完沒瞭的電話,一會是英文...
評分“乞力馬紮羅是一座海拔一萬九韆七百一十英尺的長年積雪的高山,據說它是非洲最高的一座山。西高峰叫馬塞人的‘鄂阿奇—鄂阿伊’,即上帝的廟殿。在西高峰的近旁,有一具已經風乾凍僵的豹子的屍體。豹子到這樣高寒的地方來尋找什麼,沒有人作過解釋。” ——《乞力馬紮羅山的雪...
評分我不讀文科,隻是興趣所緻,海明威的大名如雷貫耳,但是也就看過中學課本裏的老人與海,而且還是我最討厭的篇目,雖然這人傳奇熱血的如此,也使我難以翻看他的任何一篇文章。後來我纔知道,這些世界名著終究是要看原版的,隻有原版纔能展現他們無窮的魅力。 比如說這段 Now in...
評分《乞力馬紮羅山的雪》很美的名字,很棒的小說。 第一次是在很早之前的電影《我的美女老闆》中聽到這本書的名字的。當時聽女主反復說這本書,就這樣印在腦子裏瞭。 最近逛書店的時候發現封麵真是好看,就買下瞭。花瞭兩個下午看完瞭。 意識流...
圖書標籤: ErnestHemingway 英文原版 美國 海明威 美國文學 文學 小說 外國文學
引用:Beautiful in their simplicity, startling in their originality, and unsurpassed in their craftsmanship, the stories in this volume highlight one of America's master storytellers at the top of his form.
評分引用:Beautiful in their simplicity, startling in their originality, and unsurpassed in their craftsmanship, the stories in this volume highlight one of America's master storytellers at the top of his form.
評分引用:Beautiful in their simplicity, startling in their originality, and unsurpassed in their craftsmanship, the stories in this volume highlight one of America's master storytellers at the top of his form.
評分引用:Beautiful in their simplicity, startling in their originality, and unsurpassed in their craftsmanship, the stories in this volume highlight one of America's master storytellers at the top of his form.
評分Charles Scribner's sons 1964 米色布封
The Snows of Kilimanjaro and Other Stories 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載