(Book Jacket Status: Jacketed)
A gripping vision of our society radically overturned by a theocratic revolution, Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid's Tale has become one of the most powerful and most widely read novels of our time.
Offred is a Handmaid in the Republic of Gilead, serving in the household of the enigmatic Commander and his bitter wife. She may go out once a day to markets whose signs are now pictures because women are not allowed to read. She must pray that the Commander makes her pregnant, for in a time of declining birthrates her value lies in her fertility, and failure means exile to the dangerously polluted Colonies. Offred can remember a time when she lived with her husband and daughter and had a job, before she lost even her own name. Now she navigates the intimate secrets of those who control her every move, risking her life in breaking the rules.
Like Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World and George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four, The Handmaid's Tale has endured not only as a literary landmark but as a warning of a possible future that is still chillingly relevant.
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摘自《博客大巴》 作者:temmi 暑假是讀小說的好日子,我惴惴不安的把論文丟到一邊,有點愜意的讀小說。上午和睡前是讀小說的好時光,讀著讀著就能讓我好好的睡上一覺,讓我不得不佩服自己的睡眠能力,雖然不需要很長的睡眠時間就能精力充沛,但基本很快就能睡著。能...
評分正因為所有事情都曾真實地發生過,禁止墮胎、月經警察、秘密處決、人口清洗,使得把它歸類為科幻小說真的很諷刺。 喜歡看女性寫女性,因為知道她的心裏究竟在想什麼,女人如此感性,被愛與欲望驅使著,盲信於人,善良而溫順,女人的恐懼又是根植於生命裏的,滲透在生活所有縫隙...
評分 評分生兒育女,從個體上講,關乎傢庭幸福,是私人的事;若從整體來看,則關乎國傢興衰,是全社會的事。人口結構對社會、經濟、資源各方麵都有直接的影響,甚至改變全人類的未來生存狀態,畢竟人類得以世代延續靠的就是繁衍生息。 如果人類麵臨嚴重的生育危機,該當如何呢?早在三十...
評分看書前就聽說這是個政治恐怖小說,果真,整本書裏,幾乎沒有一個對笑容的描寫,一些都是沉抑的,沒有情感的。故事圍繞著Offred (the Handmaid)的命運,她生活在一個做愛是為瞭繁殖,一切都由權威控製的社會。 一本很好的反烏托邦的書,由於一切都是虛幻的,所以有不少書評傢...
圖書標籤: 虛構(文學)
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