Germinal (Folio) 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
自然主义这种小说类型是由一个流派的作家根据特殊的哲学观点发展起来的。 这个哲学观点是19世纪后达尔文生物学的产物,认为人完全存在于自然法则之中;人 没有灵魂,也没有参与超出自然世界之外的宗教或精神世界的任何方式。因此,人仅 仅是更为高级的动物,他的品性与行为完全...
评分自然主义这种小说类型是由一个流派的作家根据特殊的哲学观点发展起来的。 这个哲学观点是19世纪后达尔文生物学的产物,认为人完全存在于自然法则之中;人 没有灵魂,也没有参与超出自然世界之外的宗教或精神世界的任何方式。因此,人仅 仅是更为高级的动物,他的品性与行为完全...
评分1 用西甲球队打比方,如果雨果是巴萨,左拉就是莱万特:球衣颜色几乎一致,本质上不大一致。暂且不论风格,纯感觉流论之:都是一种高墙之外的存在,雨果和巴萨的长处是广度和密度,左拉和莱万特的长处是深度和持久度。 2 塞维利亚球迷报告说,4647赛季末轮皇马主场2比0战胜...
评分 评分左拉用他自然主义的笔法淋漓尽致展现了一个个不同性格的煤矿工人,像是用小刀一刀一刀刻在法兰西第二帝国时期那段满目疮痍的历史身上,尽管本书又红又专,却还是着实让我心潮澎湃久久无法平静,场面描写太宏大太有号召力了。书中对于地下矿坑及工人们饥寒交迫、如牲畜般的混乱...
Zola's masterpiece of working life, Germinal (1885), exposes the inhuman conditions of miners in northern France in the 1860s. By Zola's death in 1902 it had come to symbolise the call for freedom from oppression so forcefully that the crowd which gathered at his State funeral chanted 'Germinal! Germinal!'. The central figure, Etienne Lantier, is an outsider who enters the community and eventually leads his fellow-miners in a strike protesting against pay-cuts - a strike which becomes a losing battle against starvation, repression, and sabotage. Yet despite all the violence and disillusion which rock the mining community to its foundations, Lantier retains his belief in the ultimate germination of a new society, leading to a better world. Germinal is a dramatic novel of working life and everyday relationships, but it is also a complex novel of ideas, given fresh vigour and power in this new translation.
Germinal (Folio) 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书