'I was born on 31 January 1979 - a Wednesday. I know it was a Wednesday, because the date is blue in my mind and Wednesdays are always blue, like the number nine or the sound of loud voices arguing.' Like the character Hoffman portrayed, he can perform extraordinary maths in his head, sees numbers as shapes, colours, textures and motions, and can learn to speak a language fluently from scratch in three days. He also has a compulsive need for order and routine. He eats exactly 45 grams of porridge for breakfast and cannot leave the house without counting the number of items of clothing he's wearing. If he gets stressed or unhappy he closes his eyes and counts. But in some ways Daniel is not all like the Rain Man. He is virtually unique amongst people who have severe autisitic disorders in being capable of living a fully-functioning, independent life. It is this incredible self-awareness and ability to communicate what it feels like to live in a totally extraordinary way that makes BORN ON A BLUE DAY so powerful.
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作者患有阿斯伯格綜閤徵(AS):與孤獨癥(自閉癥)有同樣的社交障礙、局限的興趣和重復、刻闆的活動方式;但與孤獨癥(自閉癥)的區彆在於此病沒有明顯的語言和智能障礙。(是高功能孤獨癥) 作者也是學者綜閤徵的患者:有認知障礙,但在某一方麵有超乎常人的能力。 他們的生...
評分今天終於把書給看完瞭...之前看瞭一點...不過猶豫自己的集中力不太好,所以就重新把前麵部分一邊播Autobook一邊慢慢地去看...反而細細地去閱讀纔更有味道... 很喜歡這種簡介的專記,不繁瑣,英文用詞也不會過於難懂..在閤上這書的時候..感覺自己就好像是筆者的朋友..看著一切一切...
評分 評分當數字和文字這樣的符號被賦予顔色和質地……你一定很想瞭解這個自閉癥天纔的內心世界。 背齣圓周率22500位數字不是想象中枯燥單調的強製記憶,而是依靠數字在腦海中形成的一幅幅的景象繪製齣的復雜畫麵……外人眼中是自我封閉與不可理喻,內心卻是無人能懂的絢爛。 在他成長的...
評分圖書標籤: 自閉癥 思維 弱智天纔綜閤癥 傳記 autobiography/memoirs autism LGBT
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