Further Adventures of Nils 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
拉格洛夫:小说的道德 从某种意义上说,诺贝尔文学奖的评奖历史有很大一部分是在煞费苦心地解释“富有理想倾向”这个含糊不清的遗嘱,评奖最初的十年,也就是所谓的维尔森时代,瑞典文学院对此的解释是“高尚和纯洁的理想”,在这个指导原则下,普遍地轻视文本,轻视作家...
评分 评分 评分我小时候看过《尼尔斯骑鹅旅行记》,动画片,每周看一集。 我现在突然生出几个问题,请教各位豆瓣同好: 1。当年的动画片是哪家公司出品的?是日本卡通么? 2。故事里的小男孩真的叫尼尔斯么?那只大雁叫什么呢? 我问了瑞典室友,她说故事的名字叫Marten(a顶上有个圈) Holge...
One afternoon Akka from Kebnekaise and her flock alighted on the shore of a forest lake. Spring was backward -- as it always is in the mountain districts. Ice covered all the lake save a narrow strip next the land. The geese at once plunged into the water to bathe and hunt for food. In the morning Nils Holgersson had dropped one of his wooden shoes, so he went down by the elms and birches that grew along the shore, to look for something to bind around his foot. The boy walked quite a distance before he found anything that he could use. He glanced about nervously, for he did not fancy being in the forest. "Give me the plains and the lakes!" he thought. "There you can see what you are likely to meet. Now, if this were a grove of little birches, it would be well enough, for then the ground would be almost bare; but how people can like these wild, pathless forests is incomprehensible to me. If I owned this land I would chop down every tree."
Further Adventures of Nils 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书