Dr. Marti Olsen Laney, is a marriage and family therapist. Marti has earned a doctorate degree in psychoanalysis, is an author, teacher and much sought-after public speaker (with a good amount of preparation time) on subjects close to her heart, such as the phenomena of introversion. She is in private practice in Calabasas, California.
The Introvert Advantage 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
如果你问我看完之后的感受,我的回答便是:“毕竟是舶来品,还是有水土不服之处”。这话怎么讲,让我们来慢慢分析。 首先,这书是以美国社会为原型,所以有些东西需要站在美国社会角度思考。 美国是个商业立国的国家,所以这个国家信仰一种外向、擅长沟通的行事方式,也就是无...
评分幸福快乐的首要之点,就在于一个人愿意成为他自己。 《内向者优势》是一本很温暖的书 作者Marti用很亲切的笔调 细致地描述了内向性格的种种特点和优势 并鼓励内向者从心底里认识、认同、欣赏和传播自己的特质 从而——在外向的世界中获得成功 这也是本书的副标题 这是一个独特...
评分如果你问我看完之后的感受,我的回答便是:“毕竟是舶来品,还是有水土不服之处”。这话怎么讲,让我们来慢慢分析。 首先,这书是以美国社会为原型,所以有些东西需要站在美国社会角度思考。 美国是个商业立国的国家,所以这个国家信仰一种外向、擅长沟通的行事方式,也就是无...
评分幸福快乐的首要之点,就在于一个人愿意成为他自己。 《内向者优势》是一本很温暖的书 作者Marti用很亲切的笔调 细致地描述了内向性格的种种特点和优势 并鼓励内向者从心底里认识、认同、欣赏和传播自己的特质 从而——在外向的世界中获得成功 这也是本书的副标题 这是一个独特...
评分曾经有段时间,我非常的排斥读书。 他们说读书使人明智,可是我的愚木脑袋一点没长进;他们说读书修身养性,可是我总觉得自己太安静了不活跃就是因为以前读书太多了;他们说看过书以后有各种各样有趣的故事可以给大家分享,可是我每次都想不起来刚看的书里到底讲了些什么,更...
图书标签: 心理学 Introvert 心理 成长 自我成长 Psychology 英文原版 Advantage
One out of every four people feels overwhelmed at the thought of a business meeting, dreads walking into a party, hates having to make small talk with strangers, feels alone in a crowd - and always prefers to sit on the sidelines and observe. They're introverts, and now comes the book to buttress their resolve and help them find understanding and success living in an extrovert world. After dispelling common myths about introverts - they're not antisocial, they're not necessarily shy or aloof - BEING AN INTROVERT IN AN EXTROVERT WORLD explains the real issues. Introverts are hardwired from birth to focus inward, so outside stimulation can easily become "too much" - chitchat, phone calls, parties, office meetings can all be overwhelming, sending introverts fleeing for a quiet corner.
finally reading it 4 years after it's on my reading list....
评分the introvert is not something antisocial
The Introvert Advantage 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书