艾米·蔡(Amv Chua),美國耶魯法學院華裔教授,暢銷書《火焰上的世界》(World on Fire)的作者,也是國際貿易,種族鬥爭和全球化領域的著名專傢。她和丈夫,三個女兒一起生活在康涅狄格州的紐黑文市。
In a little over two centuries, America has grown from a regional power to a superpower, and to what is today called a hyperpower. But can America retain its position as the world’s dominant power, or has it already begun to decline?
Historians have debated the rise and fall of empires for centuries. To date, however, no one has studied the far rarer phenomenon of hyperpowers—those few societies that amassed such extraordinary military and economic might that they essentially dominated the world.
Now, in this sweeping history of globally dominant empires, bestselling author Amy Chua explains how hyperpowers rise and why they fall. In a series of brilliantly focused chapters, Chua examines history’s hyperpowers—Persia, Rome, Tang China, the Mongols, the Dutch, the British, and the United States—and reveals the reasons behind their success, as well as the roots of their ultimate demise.
Chua’s unprecedented study reveals a fascinating historical pattern. For all their differences, she argues, every one of these world-dominant powers was, at least by the standards of its time, extraordinarily pluralistic and tolerant. Each one succeeded by harnessing the skills and energies of individuals from very different backgrounds, and by attracting and exploiting highly talented groups that were excluded in other societies. Thus Rome allowed Africans, Spaniards, and Gauls alike to rise to the highest echelons of power, while the “barbarian” Mongols conquered their vast domains only because they practiced an ethnic and religious tolerance unheard of in their time. In contrast,
Nazi Germany and imperial Japan, while wielding great power, failed to attain global dominance as a direct result of their racial and religious intolerance.
But Chua also uncovers a great historical irony: in virtually every instance, multicultural tolerance eventually sowed the seeds of decline, and diversity became a liability, triggering conflict, hatred, and violence.
The United States is the quintessential example of a power that rose to global dominance through tolerance and diversity. The secret to America’s success has always been its unsurpassed ability to attract enterprising immigrants. Today, however, concerns about outsourcing and uncontrolled illegal immigration are producing a backlash against our tradition of cultural openness. Has America finally reached a “tipping point”? Have we gone too far in the direction of diversity and tolerance to maintain cohesion and unity? Will we be overtaken by rising powers like China, the EU or even India?
Chua shows why American power may have already exceeded its limits and why it may be in our interest to retreat from our go-it-alone approach and promote a new multilateralism in both domestic and foreign affairs.</p>
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——評《大國興亡錄》 天者,夜晝;地者,衰榮;人者,滅生。 ——題記 三國演義第一迴開篇即雲:話說天下大勢,分久必閤,閤久必分。一句話揭示瞭朝代更替國運興衰的規律。 縱觀人類曆史文明,古今中外經曆瞭無數朝代更替國傢興亡,尤其...
評分引用“蔡美兒關於這段曆史的前所未有的論證揭露瞭一個令人入迷的格局:盡管這幾個世界統治力量各不相同,但是至少有一點是相通的,那就是它們在所處的那段時期都是最為多元化以及寬容的。”引用完畢~ 多元化和寬容是建立在強大的軍事力量和龐大充足的財富這兩大基礎上的。 沒有...
評分用流行書的寫作態度來對待嚴肅的重大的曆史話題,而且涉及史事麵太過廣泛,讀完之後感覺到(1)猶太人(2)宗教的處理影響到帝國的興衰,所謂大曆史的角度,很難體現齣來。 副標題所謂“從大曆史的角度解讀美國霸權興衰的曆程”是嚴重失實的,本書並沒有認為美國霸權已經衰敗,...
圖書標籤: 曆史 政治 Chua 政治學 國傢 中國 虎媽蔡美兒 社會
評分Great analysis even though the evidence could be a little sketchy.
評分寬容 不是一切
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