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The Institutes of Christian Religion


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德國曆史學傢蘭剋(Leopold von Ranke)說:“加爾文是美國真正的立基者。”法國曆史學傢論到加爾文宗信徒時說道:“這些人是英國真正的英雄。他們建立瞭蘇格蘭,他們也建立瞭美國。”這些都說明瞭加爾文深遠的曆史影響力。

The Institutes of Christian Religion pdf epub mobi 圖書描述

The institution of Christian religion written in Latine by maister John Caluine ; and translated into Englishe accordyng to the authors last edition, by T.N. wherunto is added a table, to fynde the principall matters entreated of in thys boke, conteyning by order of common places, the summe of the vvhole doctrine taught in the same The institution of Christian religion written in Latine by maister John Caluine ; and translated into Englishe accordyng to the authors last edition, by T.N. wherunto is added a table, to fynde the principall matters entreated of in thys boke, conteyning by order of common places, the summe of the vvhole doctrine taught in the same. (London: Richarde Harrison, 1562)

This is the second printing of the 1st English edition of the final version of Calvin's Institutes.

Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion was intended to be a theology text to aid in Biblical interpretation. He wanted each scripture passage to be read in the context of the entire message of the scriptures. The Institutes were intended to be an aid toward sound theology in preaching.

The Institutes of the Christian Religion has been one of the most widely studied systematic theologies for the past 440 years. Calvin revised the Institutes throughout his lifetime, publishing editions in Latin or French in 1536, 1539, 1543, 1545, 1550, 1553, and 1554. Calvin's final Latin edition was published in 1559. Calvin translated this final edition of the Institutes into French in 1560.

Early translations brought the Institutes into Dutch (1560), English (1561) German (1572), Spanish (1597), Czech (1617), Hungarian (1624), Arabic (before 1667).

The second printing of the first English translation (1562) is part of this exhibit. It was printed by the same publisher, and includes an index that was not part of the 1561 first printing. The translator was Thomas Norton.

Other English translations include:

Christopher Featherstone, tr. An abridgement of the Institution of Christian religion. (Edinburgh, Thomas Vautrollier, 1585).

John Allen, tr. Institutes of the Christian religion / by John Calvin. (Philadelphia : Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1813).

Henry Beveridge, tr. Institutes of the Christian religion / by John Calvin. (Edinburgh : Calvin Translation Society, 1845-1846).

The current standard English translation is:

John T. McNeill, ed.; Ford Lewis Battles, tr. Calvin: Institutes of the Christian Religion. (Philadelphia: Westminster, 1960) in the Library of Christian Classics.

"True and sound wisdom consists of two parts: the knowledge of God and of ourselves." Institutes 1.1.1

"Knowledge of ourselves lies first in considering what we were given at creation and how generously God continues his favor toward us. & Second, call to mind our miserable condition after Adam's fall; the awareness of which, when all our boasting and self -assurance are laid low, should truly humble us. & in order that the great nobility of our race may not be buried beneath our own dullness of wit." Institutes 2.1.1

"Therefore since we have fallen from life into death, the whole knowledge of God the Creator that we have discussed would be useless unless faith also followed setting forth for us God our Father in Christ." Institutes 2.6.1

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教會的《基督教要義》讀書小組進行瞭一年有餘,剛剛讀到中冊第三捲,尚不能形成一個整體認識,更不能說對它做什麼評價。然而單就個人而言,讀到這個階段,或許是漸入佳境,或許是量變引起質變,觸動是越來越多。 第一捲的創造論和第二捲的救贖論,加爾文用其強大...  



我覺的被耶穌通過十架救贖赦免無罪的人隻是獲得啦重生的機會、但是尚未得到永生:隻有通過耶穌最後審判的人纔能得到永生 因此在最後的審判之前、即使義人也隻是得到啦重生意義下的無罪、而並未得到永生意義下的無罪 罪性來自於人和上帝的背離:因此如果把隻有得到永生纔看...


挺早的時候知道加爾文,當時看他的傳記而喜歡他,加之額外的原因就起名叫geneva。當時覺得這本書離我太遙遠,不必這麼嚴肅和糾結在這些理論知識上,一直到前一個月。 那天,當我看到第一捲的第十、十一章的時候就痛哭流涕,從沒有想到過我對他的認識可能正是對他的褻瀆,此後的...  

評分 這是加爾文學院基督信仰經典網上圖書館提供的。 還有加爾文的聖經注釋: 還有很多⋯⋯ 一個寶庫。  

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出版者:Baker Academic
作者:Tony Lane
價格:USD 17.99

圖書標籤: 宗教  基督教  神學  社會  歷史  加爾文  Christian  Calvin   

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