古斯塔夫・勒龐 Gustave Le Bon(1841-1931) 法國著名社會心理學傢。他自1894年始,寫下一係列社會心理學著作,以本書最為著名,被 翻譯成近二十種語言,至今仍在國際學術界有廣泛影響。
Gustave Le Bon (1841-1931) was a French social psychologist, sociologist, and amateur physicist. He was the author of several works in which he expounded theories of national traits, racial superiority, herd behaviour and crowd psychology. His work on crowd psychology became important in the first half of the twentieth century when it was used by media researchers to describe the reactions of subordinate groups to media. He also contributed to on-going debates in physics about the nature of matter and energy. His book The Evolution of Matter was very popular in France. His first great success however was the publication of The Psychology of Peoples (1894), the first work in which he hit upon a popularising style that was to make his reputation secure. His best selling work, The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind (1895) followed soon after. Le Bon was one of the great popularisers of theories of the unconscious at a critical moment in the formation of new theories of social action. Sigmund Freud's Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego (1922) was explicitly based on a critique of Le Bon's work.
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這本書不是嚴格的學術著作,但在大眾心理學領域,它卻是影響最大的一本書,在思想正日益被格式化、工具化的時代中,這樣有穿透力的文本實在值得一讀再讀。 “多數人永遠正確”,這是我們經常會産生的誤解,因為麵對眾意,我們會不自覺地懷疑自己,我們確實能感到,在集體的光...
評分這本書不是嚴格的學術著作,但在大眾心理學領域,它卻是影響最大的一本書,在思想正日益被格式化、工具化的時代中,這樣有穿透力的文本實在值得一讀再讀。 “多數人永遠正確”,這是我們經常會産生的誤解,因為麵對眾意,我們會不自覺地懷疑自己,我們確實能感到,在集體的光...
評分 評分一百多年前的法國學者勒龐是個保守派社會精英,他反對傳統的國傢主義,反對新興的集體主義,推崇英美式的自由主義。他生活在法國革命不斷的年代裏,經曆過巴黎公社和法蘭西第二帝國等曆史時期,親眼目睹瞭法國民眾在傳統的信仰與權威崩塌後,在近乎宗教般的革命激情中,退化...
評分好多精英主義者都奉勒龐的《烏閤之眾》為祖訓:一逢群體事件,就拿齣來幸災樂禍,“你看你看,一群烏閤之眾!”勒龐在書裏恰好有描述這種行為,這種“斷言法”的錶達,可不正是想要利用大眾的“領袖”們慣用的手段麼?這年月,要想不被“專傢”忽悠,還得自己親力親為啊。 ...
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