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A History Of Homosexuality In Europe


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Florence Tamagne holds a PhD from the prestigious Institute of Political Studies in Paris, France. A HISTORY, her first book, is unique in its focus on the inter-war period, tracing the evolution of the “second” and “third generations” of homosexuals from the Roaring Twenties to the Fascist backlash.

A History Of Homosexuality In Europe pdf epub mobi 圖書描述

What happened to homosexuals during and after World War II has been described in other books; here, Florence Tamagne traces the different trends in Germany, England and France in the period leading up to that cataclysm and provides important background to any understanding of the later events.

The period between the two world wars was crucial in the history of homosexuality in Europe. It was then that homosexuality first came out into the light of day. Berlin became the capital of the new culture and the center of a political movement seeking rights and protections for what we now call gays and lesbians. In England, the struggle was brisk to undermine the structures and strictures of Victorianism; whereas in France (which was more tolerant, over all), homosexuality remained more subtle and nonmilitant.

Volume I introduces the first glimmerings of tolerance for homosexuality around the turn of the last century, quickly squelched by the trial of Oscar Wilde which sent a chill throughout the cosmopolitan centers of the world. Then, a variety of factors came together in the aftermath of World War I to forge a climate that was more permissive and open. The Roaring Twenties are sometimes seen, in retrospect, as having been a golden age for homosexuals and lesbians; and the literary output of the era shows why.

Volume II, however, explores a different dynamic that was also taking shape, and how that played out. The Depression, the rise of fascist movements, and a counter-reaction against what were seen as the excesses of the post-war era contributed to a crackdown on homosexuals, and new forms of repression emerged.

However, the social and political backlash soon became apparent, first of all in Germany. Repression arrested the evolution of the new mores, and it was not until the 1960s that the wave of liberation could once again sweep the continent.

Tamagne's 2-volume work outlines the long and arduous journey from the shadows toward acceptability as the homosexual and lesbian community finds a new legitimacy at various levels of society. She weaves together cultural references from literature, songs and theater, news stories and private correspondence, police and government documents to give a rounded picture of the evolving scene.

A History of Homosexuality in Europe (1919-1939) was originally published in France by Editions du Seuil. This is the complete English translation. Volumes I and II are also sold separately.

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作為中國性學會會員 在小書店裏遇到瞭這本書 哎。。。很多新華書店、圖書大廈都沒有 可見中國對性 對同性戀的態度 著名的性學傢李某某 甚至連“援交”都沒聽說過 可悲


1919-1939年是相對集權和混亂的年代,經濟也不是很好,雖然是一戰後的和平階段,但也釀成瞭二戰。歐洲是極端的父權思想,女權剛有點小聲量,性也開始有人研究,同性戀作為一種現象自古就有,但是在這個階段開始發展起來,從詞匯上的變化,小說和法律上可見一斑。 同性戀有很多...  


作為中國性學會會員 在小書店裏遇到瞭這本書 哎。。。很多新華書店、圖書大廈都沒有 可見中國對性 對同性戀的態度 著名的性學傢李某某 甚至連“援交”都沒聽說過 可悲

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出版者:Algora Publishing
作者:Florence Tamagne
價格:USD 39.95

圖書標籤: 同性  LGBT  文化研究  曆史  Gay  歷史研究  性別社會學  學術(社會學)   

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It reminds me Christopher and His Kind that homosexuality first came out into the light of day, appreciate the effort that homosexuals made 100 years ago to make the world better.


It reminds me Christopher and His Kind that homosexuality first came out into the light of day, appreciate the effort that homosexuals made 100 years ago to make the world better.


It reminds me Christopher and His Kind that homosexuality first came out into the light of day, appreciate the effort that homosexuals made 100 years ago to make the world better.


It reminds me Christopher and His Kind that homosexuality first came out into the light of day, appreciate the effort that homosexuals made 100 years ago to make the world better.


It reminds me Christopher and His Kind that homosexuality first came out into the light of day, appreciate the effort that homosexuals made 100 years ago to make the world better.

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