Olga Tokarczuk, born in 1962, studied psychology at teh University of Warsaw before publishing her first book, a poetry collection. She is the author of a prizewinning play, four novels, and two books of short stories and has received two Nike reader's Prizes.
House of Day, House of Night 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
世界上的一切最初都是从蘑菇开始的。第一次宇宙大爆炸的时候,一个致密炽热的奇点感受到内心膨胀的使命感,于是从它体内爆炸产生的蘑菇形冲击波中诞生了最初的宇宙。也许,这个奇点本身就是一粒蘑菇孢子。 因此,世界上的一切也都或多或少与蘑菇产生联系。蘑菇聚生的菌落是我们...
评分整本书由多个短小的故事组成,似是梦,似是现实,又好像梦中夹杂着那么一点点现实的故事,说实话,很多故事我看的不是很懂,却又不忍心放弃继续读下去,因为有些话仔细品味,觉得非常有趣。 我感觉作者在整本书中所要表达的感情丰富而复杂,有国家动荡给人的身体和心灵带来的貌...
评分《白天的房子,夜晚的房子》四百余页,很厚,但拿在手里不沉。翻开开始阅读,文字的质感也以同样的方式令人惊讶:语言是诗性的,意象与辞藻很丰富,故事读起来却是轻盈的。这种轻盈感,与拼贴式的叙事手法、神话式的叙述口吻以及作者刻意的去宏观化倾向都有关系。 《房子》不是...
评分 评分波兰女作家奥尔加,今年诺贝尔文学奖获得者,白天的房子,晚上的房子是其获奖小说重要著作。 像散文,不像小说。通过作者和一位老奶奶玛尔塔交谈,在波兰那片被德国占领的土地上,失而复得。作者描绘一个又一个光怪离奇的故事,展示具体而无足轻重的神秘世界。构建了一堆各不相...
图书标签: 波兰 英文书 小说 Olga_Tokarczuk 記憶 文学 夢 邊界
Nowa Ruda is a small town in Silesia, a region that has at times been part of Poland, Germany, and the former Czechoslovakia. When the narrator of Olga Tokarczuk's House of Day, House of Night moves into the area, she discovers that everyone - and everything - has a story. With the help of Martha, her enigmatic neighbor, she collects these stories, and what emerges is the message that the history of any place - no matter how humble - is limitless and universal.
Tokarczuk's richly imagined novel is an epic of a small place. A best-seller in Poland, House of Day, House of Night is the English-language debut of one of Europe's best young writers.
House of Day, House of Night 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书