約翰·歐文(John Irving),被美國文壇泰鬥馮內古特喻為“美國最重要的幽默作傢”,是當代最知名的小說傢之一,他作品中所呈現的高超的說故事技巧與優美的文學性,使人們常將他與狄更斯和J. D. 塞林格等重量級小說傢相提並論。他的小說不僅贏得書評界的一緻推崇,而且叫好又叫座,是西方最暢銷的小說傢之一。
‘The first of my father's illusions was that bears could survive the life lived by human beings, and the second was that human beings could survive a life led in hotels.’ So says John Berry, son of a hapless dreamer, brother to a cadre of eccentric siblings, and chronicler of the lives lived, the loves experienced, the deaths met, and the myriad strange and wonderful times encountered by the family Berry. Hoteliers, pet-bear owners, friends of Freud (the animal trainer and vaudevillian, that is), and playthings of mad fate, they ‘dream on’ in this funny, sad, outrageous, and moving novel.
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文/夏麗檸 在美國文壇,小說傢約翰·歐文很“搶眼”。雖然歐文從小就是個閱讀睏難癥患者,但寫齣來的小說卻情節麯摺、語言幽默。可我不是因此喜歡他的作品,而是迷戀他筆下的“熊”! 歐文以寫“熊”起傢。1968年發錶的處女作,就叫《將熊釋放》。我手上這本,是他於1981年創作...
評分 評分 評分一直很喜歡歐文的書,雖然他寫的每個故事都是以數百頁計的重量級超長篇,但讀到最後一段卻不覺得纍,因為你能從他通篇輕鬆幽默的敘述中感覺到源源不斷的力量和生機。 我想有一句古詩可以是《新罕布什爾旅館》這本書的態度的最好注解,行到水窮處,坐看雲起時。即便遭遇最險惡的...
評分圖書標籤: JohnIrving 英文原版 小說 John·Irving 美國 夢想 文學 救贖
評分Irving could be put as a realist of absurdity,though this one lacks convincing,and incest is a bit too much.
評分Irving could be put as a realist of absurdity,though this one lacks convincing,and incest is a bit too much.
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