R.C.T.Lee(李家同)1939年生于上海,台湾大学电机系学士,美国加州伯克利大学电机博士.历任台湾清华大学工学院院长、教务长以及代校长,静宜大学校长,暨南大学校长,现任暨南大学教授.李教授是美国电机电子学会的荣誉会士,并且曾担任过11种国际学术刊物 的编辑委员.其在算法和逻辑方面的著作曾被译为多种文字出版.
Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
图书标签: R.C.T.Lee 计算机 讀于台灣 Algorithms 2014
Communication network design, VLSI layout and DNA sequence analysis are important and challenging problems that cannot be solved by naive and straightforward algorithms. Thus, it is critical for a computer scientist to have a good knowledge of algorithm design and analysis. This book presents algorithm design from the viewpoint of strategies. Each strategy is introduced with many algorithms designed under the strategy. Each algorithm is presented with many examples and each example with many figures. In recent years, many approximation algorithms have been developed. "Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms" presents two important concepts clearly: PTAS and NPO-complete. This book also discusses the concept of NP-completeness before introducing approximation algorithms. Again, this is explained through examples which make sure that the students have a definite idea about this very abstract concept. In addition, this book also has a chapter on on-line algorithms. Each on-line algorithm is introduced by first describing the basic principle behind it. Amortized analysis is a new field in algorithm research. In this book, detailed descriptions are given to introduce this new and difficult-to-understand concept. This book can be used as a textbook by senior undergraduate students or master level graduate students in computer science.
Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书