In organisation theory a schism has developed between the traditional organisational behaviour literature, based in psychology, sociology and political science, and the more analytically rigorous field of organisational economics. The former stresses the importance of managerial leadership and cooperation among employees, while the latter focuses on the engineering of incentive systems that will induce efficiency and profitability, by rewarding worker self-interest. In this innovative book, Gary Miller bridges the gap between these literatures. He demonstrates that it is impossible to design an incentive system based on self-interest that will effectively discipline all subordinates and superiors and obviate or overcome the roles of political conflict, collective action, and leadership in an organisation. Applying game theory to the analysis of the roles of cooperation and political leadership in organisational hierarchies, he concludes that the organisation whose managers can inspire cooperation and the transcendence of short-term interest in its employees enjoys a competitive advantage.
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這本書是大學的時候看的瞭,特地在淘寶上買瞭一本英國運迴來的正本。以作紀念。 應該是我自己看到過對從Hierarchy到Democracy再到perfect market的剖析最好的一本書瞭。 推薦閱讀
評分這本書是大學的時候看的瞭,特地在淘寶上買瞭一本英國運迴來的正本。以作紀念。 應該是我自己看到過對從Hierarchy到Democracy再到perfect market的剖析最好的一本書瞭。 推薦閱讀
評分這本書是大學的時候看的瞭,特地在淘寶上買瞭一本英國運迴來的正本。以作紀念。 應該是我自己看到過對從Hierarchy到Democracy再到perfect market的剖析最好的一本書瞭。 推薦閱讀
評分這本書是大學的時候看的瞭,特地在淘寶上買瞭一本英國運迴來的正本。以作紀念。 應該是我自己看到過對從Hierarchy到Democracy再到perfect market的剖析最好的一本書瞭。 推薦閱讀
評分這本書是大學的時候看的瞭,特地在淘寶上買瞭一本英國運迴來的正本。以作紀念。 應該是我自己看到過對從Hierarchy到Democracy再到perfect market的剖析最好的一本書瞭。 推薦閱讀
圖書標籤: 經濟學 組織行為 管理學 交易費用 管理 政治經濟學 Trasaction Hierarchy
評分補記。5星。我覺得作者提齣瞭一個很重要的問題。一個組織管理的核心就是客服協調睏境,具體來說就是要剋服hidden action and information,這往往需要設立一個上級監督者。但是,一旦監督者掌握瞭工人們的信息之後,就可以利用信息優勢壓榨工人瞭。工人預期到這一結果之後,反而工作得更少,或者有策略地工作。比如,工人可能知道如果工作産量太多的話,廠長可能會降低單件計價工資,所以會策略性地減少工作努力。這當中的挑戰是,廠長無法可信地承諾單件計價工資不會降低。所以作者把組織睏境基本上都歸結為瞭信息不對稱從員工優勢轉化為廠長優勢之後的“可信承諾問題”。作者的迴答是說廠長和科層製應該建立聲譽、引入員工進入管理層等等,我覺得迴答比較差強人意。但問題是大問題。5星全給問題!
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