"Are you as tired as I am of books constantly telling you about doing your best to understand your parents, doing your homework, making curfew, getting a haircut, dropping that hemline, and blah, blah, blah?" -- Jay McGraw, from the Introduction Well, you don't have to be anymore. "Life Strategies for Teens" is the first guide to teenage life that won't tell you what to do, or who to be, but rather how to live life best. Employing the techniques from Dr. Phillip C. McGraw's "Life Strategies, " his son Jay provides teens with the Ten Laws of Life, which make the journey to adulthood an easier and more fulfilling trip. Whether dealing with the issues of popularity, peer pressure, ambition, or ambivalence, "Life Strategies for Teens" is an enlightening guide to help teenagers not only stay afloat, but to thrive during these pivotal years. Whether you are a teen looking for a little help, or a parent or grandparent wanting to provide guidance, this book tackles the challenges of adolescence like no other. Combining proven techniques for dealing with life's obstacles and the youth and wit of writer Jay McGraw, "Life Strategies for Teens" is sure to improve the lives of all who read it.
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這本書是一本地地道道的外國書。作者Jay McGraw是Phillip C. McGraw之子。(Pillip C. McGraw是《Life Strategies》的作者)該書圍繞著作者的父親總結齣的十大箴言展開,作者結閤自己的親身經曆並結閤一些事例,嚮我們講述瞭一條條必須遵循的道理。下麵我就先以其中一條為例...
評分這本書是一本地地道道的外國書。作者Jay McGraw是Phillip C. McGraw之子。(Pillip C. McGraw是《Life Strategies》的作者)該書圍繞著作者的父親總結齣的十大箴言展開,作者結閤自己的親身經曆並結閤一些事例,嚮我們講述瞭一條條必須遵循的道理。下麵我就先以其中一條為例...
評分這本書是一本地地道道的外國書。作者Jay McGraw是Phillip C. McGraw之子。(Pillip C. McGraw是《Life Strategies》的作者)該書圍繞著作者的父親總結齣的十大箴言展開,作者結閤自己的親身經曆並結閤一些事例,嚮我們講述瞭一條條必須遵循的道理。下麵我就先以其中一條為例...
評分這本書是一本地地道道的外國書。作者Jay McGraw是Phillip C. McGraw之子。(Pillip C. McGraw是《Life Strategies》的作者)該書圍繞著作者的父親總結齣的十大箴言展開,作者結閤自己的親身經曆並結閤一些事例,嚮我們講述瞭一條條必須遵循的道理。下麵我就先以其中一條為例...
評分這本書是一本地地道道的外國書。作者Jay McGraw是Phillip C. McGraw之子。(Pillip C. McGraw是《Life Strategies》的作者)該書圍繞著作者的父親總結齣的十大箴言展開,作者結閤自己的親身經曆並結閤一些事例,嚮我們講述瞭一條條必須遵循的道理。下麵我就先以其中一條為例...
圖書標籤: 教育
Life Strategies for Teens 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載