The Tale of Genji 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
说起来,源氏是非常舒适的枕边书.但也只能是枕边书.夜深人静时候闲闲看上一章.若是大白日里一章章通读下来,只怕好多人都会被那些琐碎重复的描写闷死的. 我这些天在想物语里那些母女两代承恩的故事.夕颜和玉鬘,六条和秋好.都是非常有意思的对比. 夕颜出场时已是一女之母,但却让...
评分源氏和陈冠希 去年看过的最大部头的小说应是《源氏物语》,我对此书甚是入迷,本来想就此书写几句,但碍于琐事,终究没有写。正在我快要把这事忘却了的时候,却出了个陈冠希,让我想起了源氏。 二者最大的相同之处就是女朋友好又多,陈冠希的女友列表里,张柏芝,...
评分作者:子非鱼兮 提交日期:2005-11-3 10:10:00 周作人对丰子恺翻译的《源氏物语》颇不以为然,大概是因为丰的译文参考了谷崎润一郎改译《源氏物语》的缘故,免不了有再创作的影子。丰译的《源氏物语》鄙处藏有,只是还没来得及读,所以不便多说,不过,以周...
(Book Jacket Status: Jacketed)
In the early eleventh century Murasaki Shikibu, a lady in the Heian court of Japan, wrote what many consider to be the world’s first novel, more than three centuries before Chaucer. The Heian era (794—1185) is recognized as one of the very greatest periods in Japanese literature, and The Tale of Genji is not only the unquestioned prose masterpiece of that period but also the most lively and absorbing account we have of the intricate, exquisite, highly ordered court culture that made such a masterpiece possible.
Genji is the favorite son of the emperor but also a man of dangerously passionate impulses. In his highly refined world, where every dalliance is an act of political consequence, his shifting alliances and secret love affairs create great turmoil and very nearly destroy him.
Edward Seidensticker’s translation of Lady Murasaki’s splendid romance has been honored throughout the English-speaking world for its fluency, scholarly depth, and deep literary tact and sensitivity.
The Tale of Genji 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书