Eugene H. Peterson, now retired, was for many years James M. Houston Professor of Spiritual Theology at Regent College in Vancouver, British Columbia. He also served as founding pastor of Christ Our King Presbyterian Church in Bel Air, Maryland. In addition to his widely acclaimed paraphrase of the Bible, The Message (NavPress), he has written many other books.
In Jeremiah 12:5 God says to the prophet, "If you have raced with men on foot and they have worn you out, how can you compete with horses? If you stumble in safe country, how will you manage in the thickets by the Jordan?"
We all long to live life at its best—to fuse freedom and spontaneity with purpose and meaning. Why then do we often find our lives so humdrum, so unadventuresome, so routine? Or else so frantic, so full of activity, but still devoid of fulfillment? How do we learn to risk, to trust, to pursue wholeness and excellence—to run with the horses in the jungle of life?
In a series of profound reflections on the life of Jeremiah the prophet, Eugene Peterson explores the heart of what it means to be fully and genuinely human. His writing is filled with humor and self-reflection, insight and wisdom, helping to set a course for others in the quest for life at its best.
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【書摘】更新 摘錄自 畢德生《與馬同跑》 第8章 耶利米繼續聽神要對他說什麼: 我必使你嚮這百姓稱為堅固的銅牆, 他們必攻擊你,卻不能勝你 因我與你同在,要拯救你,搭救你 這是耶和華說的。 我必搭救你脫離惡人的手, 救贖你脫離強暴人的手。(耶15:20-21) 耶利米小時...
評分昨天終於讀完瞭這本書,令我最為深思的是最後一章提到的“成熟”。“生命是捉摸不定、充滿混亂的,唯有成熟纔能忍受隨時會麵臨曖昧、混亂、不閤理的情況。假使我們拒絕接受它們,就等於拒絕瞭生活中極可能是最重要,最寶貴的東西——信心的探險,神的奧秘。” 神從沒有應許天...
評分昨天終於讀完瞭這本書,令我最為深思的是最後一章提到的“成熟”。“生命是捉摸不定、充滿混亂的,唯有成熟纔能忍受隨時會麵臨曖昧、混亂、不閤理的情況。假使我們拒絕接受它們,就等於拒絕瞭生活中極可能是最重要,最寶貴的東西——信心的探險,神的奧秘。” 神從沒有應許天...
評分Lord, Lord 究竟哪裏纔是我們的傢呢? 與其說是地理上的距離,不如說是心與心,心與環境之間的距離,我們生下來,就迴不去瞭,推薦閱讀 海角七號的影評 推薦閱讀,畢德生...
圖書標籤: 英文 信仰 美國 畢德生 外國
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