乔尼·鲍登博士(Jonny Bowden,Ph.D.,M.A.,C.N.,C.N.S.)
营养学博士、心理学硕士,美国营养协会(American College of Nutrition)认证营养师,美国营养学会(American Society for Nutrition)会员,拥有6项美国国家认证的健康管理资格证。他不仅是美国著名的营养与减肥专家,也是一位杰出的营养学作家,另著有《低糖生活》(荣获2004年读者票选最佳营养学图书大奖)、《地球上最有效的78种自然药物和疗法》等畅销书,共计14本。他长期为《纽约时报》《华尔街日报》《福布斯》《名利场》等媒体撰写营养和健康、减重专栏,并担任CNN、NBC、CBS等电视台的特邀专家。他还是一位备受欢迎的演讲者,曾于2013年受邀到北京大学开设讲座。
The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
图书标签: 健康
A complete guide to the healthiest foods you can eat - and how to cook them Why get your nutrients from expensive supplements when you can enjoy delicious, nourishing foods instead? From almonds to yucca, readers will find out what nutrients each of the 150 featured foods contains, what form contains the most nutrients, if it's been recommended to combat any diseases, where to find it, how to prepare it, and how much to eat - plus wonderful recipes using these sometimes obscure foods Indexes by nutrient, by disease, and by food make finding what you need a snap, and the at-a-glance format makes the information as easy to digest as the foods themselves.
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The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书