喬尼·鮑登博士(Jonny Bowden,Ph.D.,M.A.,C.N.,C.N.S.)
營養學博士、心理學碩士,美國營養協會(American College of Nutrition)認證營養師,美國營養學會(American Society for Nutrition)會員,擁有6項美國國傢認證的健康管理資格證。他不僅是美國著名的營養與減肥專傢,也是一位傑齣的營養學作傢,另著有《低糖生活》(榮獲2004年讀者票選最佳營養學圖書大奬)、《地球上最有效的78種自然藥物和療法》等暢銷書,共計14本。他長期為《紐約時報》《華爾街日報》《福布斯》《名利場》等媒體撰寫營養和健康、減重專欄,並擔任CNN、NBC、CBS等電視颱的特邀專傢。他還是一位備受歡迎的演講者,曾於2013年受邀到北京大學開設講座。
A complete guide to the healthiest foods you can eat - and how to cook them Why get your nutrients from expensive supplements when you can enjoy delicious, nourishing foods instead? From almonds to yucca, readers will find out what nutrients each of the 150 featured foods contains, what form contains the most nutrients, if it's been recommended to combat any diseases, where to find it, how to prepare it, and how much to eat - plus wonderful recipes using these sometimes obscure foods Indexes by nutrient, by disease, and by food make finding what you need a snap, and the at-a-glance format makes the information as easy to digest as the foods themselves.
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