This is the second in a series of publications from the Institute of Medicine's Quality of Health Care in America project. Today's health care providers have more research findings and more technology available to them than ever before. Yet recent reports have raised serious doubts about the quality of health care in America. "Crossing the Quality Chasm" makes an urgent call for fundamental change to close the quality gap. This book recommends a sweeping redesign of the American health care system and provides overarching principles for specific direction for policymakers, health care leaders, clinicians, regulators, purchasers, and others. In this comprehensive volume the committee offers: a set of performance expectations for the 21st century health care system; a set of 10 new rules to guide patient-clinician relationships; a suggested organizing framework to better align the incentives inherent in payment and accountability with improvements in quality; and key steps to promote evidence-based practice and strengthen clinical information systems. Analyzing health care organizations as complex systems, "Crossing the Quality Chasm" also documents the causes of the quality gap, identifies current practices that impede quality care, and explores how systems approaches can be used to implement change.
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這本書的結構非常的西方,從某個角度看,就像一篇科技論文:闡述一鍾傳統模型無法解釋的現象,然後提齣一種的新的模型(鴻溝模型),用大量的事例來分析解釋(早期大眾-實用主義者的行為分析),然後推演(諾曼底方式和整體産品),非常嚴謹。 本書的關鍵在於理解早期大眾-實用...
評分《跨越鴻溝》,是陸奇非常推薦的一本書。 陸奇是誰?他是前雅虎執行副總裁、前微軟全球執行副總裁(華人在科技領域獲得的最高職位)、前百度總裁,現在是美國創業加速器Y Combinator在中國的創始人和首席執行官,以及YC全球研究院院長。 可以說,陸奇是華人在科技領域最厲害的人...
評分好久沒有認真寫過書評瞭,一來上課期間時間有限,另外則沒有碰到很適閤點評的書。這本《crossing the chasm》,是一些高科技市場的方法論。對於市場方麵,我一直沒有什麼研究,最近一直持有這樣一種想法,那就是一個企業,或者一個business,他是有這樣的一個引擎來發動的,即...
評分這本書的結構非常的西方,從某個角度看,就像一篇科技論文:闡述一鍾傳統模型無法解釋的現象,然後提齣一種的新的模型(鴻溝模型),用大量的事例來分析解釋(早期大眾-實用主義者的行為分析),然後推演(諾曼底方式和整體産品),非常嚴謹。 本書的關鍵在於理解早期大眾-實用...
圖書標籤: 醫療
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