西蒙•沙玛(1945— ),英国历史学家,艺术史学家,先后在剑桥大学、牛津大学、哈佛大学和哥伦比亚大学历史系任教,并担任BBC纪录片解说,《纽约客》文艺评论员。编写并主持过系列纪录片《英国史》、《艺术的力量》、《美国的未来》,曾获诸多嘉誉,包括1977年以《爱国者和解放者》获沃夫森历史奖,1987年以《财富的窘境:黄金时代荷兰文明的一种解释》获“《纽约时报》年度最佳图书”,1996年以《风景与记忆》获W.H.史密斯文学奖,2006年以《乱世交汇:英国、奴隶与美国革命》(Rough Crossings)获“全美书评人协会奖”。著作还包括《伦勃朗的眼睛》、《公民们,法国大革命编年史》、《死亡的确定性》等。
Landscape And Memory 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
很坦诚的说,看不懂。很直白的说,不知道他在讲什么。没有相应的知识还是不要看这本书了,睡前读物,看到困到骨子里了。 当然看得出作者的博学,100页的注释,整本书就像一篇文献综述。冲着风景两个字买的,但内容五花八门,许多名人与作品作者顺手拈来,但是作为门外汉要看懂...
评分A big book, well illustrated and rich in anecdote (I particularly like the one about Whitebait in 18th century British politics). It is lovely to have a lengthy discussion of Pan Tadeusz, but the whole thing screams 'TV series' rather than book, rambling wi...
评分在圣经中,上帝经常在山顶出现,隐身在雷电和云雾中。因此在早期对山的想象中,山总是富有神性。在中国也是如此。云遮雾绕的山峰总是被定义为神仙居所。这里面有一种因未知而产生的对山的敬意。 后来,中国山开始进入帝王封禅和文人山水画审美,而天主教顺势把群...
评分A big book, well illustrated and rich in anecdote (I particularly like the one about Whitebait in 18th century British politics). It is lovely to have a lengthy discussion of Pan Tadeusz, but the whole thing screams 'TV series' rather than book, rambling wi...
评分在圣经中,上帝经常在山顶出现,隐身在雷电和云雾中。因此在早期对山的想象中,山总是富有神性。在中国也是如此。云遮雾绕的山峰总是被定义为神仙居所。这里面有一种因未知而产生的对山的敬意。 后来,中国山开始进入帝王封禅和文人山水画审美,而天主教顺势把群...
图书标签: landscape 景观 自然 歷史 历史 Simon Schama, 设计
One of Time Magazine's Best Books of the Year
In Landscape and Memory Schama ranges over continents and centuries to reveal the psychic claims that human beings have made on nature. He tells of the Nazi cult of the primeval German forest; the play of Christian and pagan myth in Bernini's Fountain of the Four Rivers; and the duel between a monumental sculptor and a feminist gadfly on the slopes of Mount Rushmore. The result is a triumphant work of history, naturalism, mythology, and art.
"A work of great ambition and enormous intellectual scope...consistently provocative and revealing."--New York Times
"Extraordinary...a summary cannot convey the riches of this book. It will absorb, instruct, and fascinate."--New York Review of Books
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