L. D. 雷诺兹(Leighton Durham Reynolds ,1930-1999), N. G. 威尔逊(Nigel Guy Wilson),牛津大学古典学教授
Scribes and Scholars 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
按语 这是本学期的一篇作业。鄙人不通西学,能举出那么多西方古典文献的事例,端赖鲁道夫·普法伊费尔《古典学术史》上下卷之赐。这本《古典学术史》对于校勘学和文法学如此重视,使我辈读来不仅受用,而且亲切。忽而忆及去年曾因仲伟民老师赐告,就西方文献学当读何书事请教张...
评分As we said in the preface to the first edition, this book is designed as a simple introduction for beginners to a field of classical studies which generally remains little known or understood despite its importance and intrinsic interest. In schools and uni...
评分 评分 评分As we said in the preface to the first edition, this book is designed as a simple introduction for beginners to a field of classical studies which generally remains little known or understood despite its importance and intrinsic interest. In schools and uni...
图书标签: 古典学 西方古典学 学术史 古希腊 古典學研究入門 西洋古代 纸草学 古罗马
In the second edition of this classic work a section of notes was included, and a new chapter was added which dealt with some aspects of scholarship since the Renaissance. For this third edition the authors have responded to the urgent need to take account of the very large number of discoveries in this rapidly advancing field of knowledge by substantially revising or enlarging certain sections.
评分特别好的入门书 文笔特别流畅 连书后的注都很详细 对古典文学不同时期的接受以及手稿历史极有帮助 附的一章手稿学也很有意思 不过发现西塞罗真的地位好高啊ORZ
Scribes and Scholars 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书