傑弗裏·瓦夫羅(Geoffrey Wawro),畢業於耶魯大學。目前擔任北德州大學軍事史中心主任,主攻戰略研究。著有《普奧戰爭》(The Austro-Prussian War)、《歐洲的戰爭與社會,1792-1914》(War and Society in Europe, 1792-1914)、《哈布斯堡的滅亡》(A Mad Catastrophe)等。他所獲奬項眾多,其中就包括瞭奧地利文化研究院的大奬以及軍事曆史學會的濛卡多大奬。他還是曆史頻道“精裝曆史”節目的主持人,這檔每周訪談節目的受訪者均是一流史學傢、政治傢和新聞人士。
The Franco-Prussian War of 1870-1871 violently changed the course of European History. Alarmed by Bismarck's territorial ambitions and the Prussian army's crushing defeats of Denmark in 1864 and Austria in 1866, French Emperor Napoleon III vowed to bring Prussia to heel. Digging into many European and American archives for the first time, Geoffrey Wawro's The Franco-Prussian War describes the war that followed in thrilling detail. While the armies mobilized in July 1870, the conflict appeared 'too close to call'. Prussia and its German allies overwhelmingly outnumbered the French. But Marshal Achille Bazaine's grognards ('old grumblers') were the stuff of legend, the most resourceful, battle-hardened, sharp-shooting troops in Europe. From the political intrigues that began and ended the war to the bloody battles at Gravelotte and Sedan and the last murderous fights on the Loire and in Paris, this is a stunning, authoritative history of the Franco-Prussian War.
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普法戰爭這段高中曆史裏講過,這本書也算把我迴爐重造。可比曆史課本講的細緻多瞭(這不是廢話嘛)但我想說這次迴爐,比按部就班重學一遍重要多瞭。 曆史課本隻講瞭,是普法戰爭推動瞭普魯士統一德意誌地區,並由俾斯麥建立瞭假冒的君主立憲製,但基本沒有老師會讓你去考慮當時...
評分 評分 評分首發於公眾號:輕策書房 ——讀傑•瓦夫羅的《普法戰爭》 剛拿到本書的時候有點小期待,期待本書能填補一些曆史知識的空白點。不過閱讀之後,有些失望,雖然確實填補瞭一些空白。 失望的原因主要是兩個: 一個是,本書花瞭大量篇幅講述戰役乃至戰鬥的細節,尤其是反復描述法...
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