詹姆斯•瑟伯(James Thurber,1894~1961)
My Life and Hard Times 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
I am not a cat man, but a dog man, and all felines can tell this at a glance - a sharp, vindictive glance. 我是狗派而非猫派,关于这点,猫科动物们只需投来充满恶意的犀利一瞥便可知晓。 The dog has got more fun out of Man than Man has got out of the dog, for th...
评分I am not a cat man, but a dog man, and all felines can tell this at a glance - a sharp, vindictive glance. 我是狗派而非猫派,关于这点,猫科动物们只需投来充满恶意的犀利一瞥便可知晓。 The dog has got more fun out of Man than Man has got out of the dog, for th...
评分 评分书的名字挺吸引人的,看到书名读者肯定会想到这一生底有多苦,实际上这本书写的挺诙谐幽默的,还配了许多插图,书薄厚适中适合携带,最近也在出差,在火车上看的,想想自己的人生也挺苦的,每天东奔西跑的,为了生计而奔波,也会遇到各种事,但是和书中人物所遇到的各种事情一...
图书标签: US 1933
Widely hailed as one of the finest humorist of the twentieth century, James Thurber looks back at his own life growing up in Columbus, Ohio, with the same humor and sharp wit that defined his famous sketches and writings. In " My Life and Hard times, " first published in 1933, he recounts the delightful chaos and frustrations of family, boyhood, youth odd dogs, recalcitrant machinery, and the foibles of human nature.
My Life and Hard Times 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书