The Master and Margarita 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
人连今晚的事都无法笃定,又如何掌握得了自己的命运?──撒旦 《大师与玛格丽特》这本荒诞不经的魔幻现实主义巨作,居然能在暴君斯大林铁腕统治下的铁幕苏联产生,真真是不可思议的奇迹。因此种情况,等同于把安徒生拘到牢房里去写童话,艾伦.金斯堡押到中国来给《人民日...
评分《大师与玛格丽特》是布尔加科夫最著名的小说之一。昨夜一直看到凌晨两点,加今天上午继续埋头,酣畅淋漓地读完了它。 读者这样持久而强烈的兴趣证实了作者的技巧。文本中嵌套文本,故事中嵌套故事……挑战了读者对于叙事线索的接受能力。撒旦折腾莫斯科的故事以及耶路撒冷彼...
评分大师无疑是大师,玛格丽特无疑也是玛格丽特,那么帕休斯-彼拉多是谁? 一个权力者。 一个执行者。 ——他可以下令处决耶稣基督。 一个罪人。 一个凶手。 ——他下令处决耶稣基督。 一个软弱者。 一个可怜人。 ——他只能下令处决耶稣基督。 但他是髑髅地的帕休斯-彼拉多,而...
评分译者王男栿,网络上没有他的简介资料,书中对其也没作介绍。从译文风格来看,王不像新手译者。小说的内容就无需赘言。现就本人在阅读过程中遇到的译文问题及个人看法,按页数顺序列示如下: 1. 第30页倒数第6行 ”点上灯……”彼拉多咬牙切齿,眼睛闪烁着光芒,用和疑犯相同的...
图书标签: 布尔加科夫
(Book Jacket Status: Jacketed)
The underground masterpiece of twentieth-century Russian fiction, Mikhail Bulgakov’s THE MASTER AND MARGARITA was written during Stalin’s regime and could not be published until many years after its author’s death.
When the devil arrives in 1930s Moscow, consorting with a retinue of odd associates—including a talking black cat, an assassin, and a beautiful naked witch—his antics wreak havoc among the literary elite of the world capital of atheism. Meanwhile, the Master, author of an unpublished novel about Jesus and Pontius Pilate, languishes in despair in a pyschiatric hospital, while his devoted lover, Margarita, decides to sell her soul to save him. As Bulgakov’s dazzlingly exuberant narrative weaves back and forth between Moscow and ancient Jerusalem, studded with scenes ranging from a giddy Satanic ball to the murder of Judas in Gethsemane, Margarita’s enduring love for the Master joins the strands of plot across space and time.
The Master and Margarita 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书