阿爾貝·加繆(Albert Camus,1913—1960),法國聲名卓著的小說傢、散文傢和劇作傢,“存在主義”文學的大師。1957年因“熱情而冷靜地闡明瞭當代嚮人類良知提齣的種種問題”而獲諾貝爾文學奬,是有史以來最年輕的諾奬獲奬作傢之一。加繆在他的小說、戲劇、隨筆和論著中深刻地揭示齣人在異己的世界中的孤獨、個人與自身的日益異化,以及罪惡和死亡的不可避免,但他在揭示齣世界的荒誕的同時卻並不絕望和頹喪,他主張要在荒誕中奮起反抗,在絕望中堅持真理和正義,他為世人指齣瞭一條基督教和馬剋思主義以外的自由人道主義道路。他直麵慘淡人生的勇氣,他“知其不可而為之”的大無畏精神使他在第二次世界大戰之後不僅在法國,而且在歐洲並最終在全世界成為他那一代人的代言人和下一代人的精神導師。
Since it was first published in English, in 1946, Albert Camus's extraordinary first novel, The Stranger (L'Etranger), has had a profound impact on millions of American readers. Through this story of an ordinary man who unwittingly gets drawn into a senseless murder on a sun-drenched Algerian beach, Camus was exploring what he termed "the nakedness of man faced with the absurd."
Now, in an illuminating new American translation (the only English version available for more than forty years was done by a British translator), the original intent of The Stranger is made more immediate, as Matthew Ward captures in exact and lucid language precisely what Camus said and how he said it, thus giving this haunting novel a new life for generations to come.
Albert Camus, son of a working-class family, was born in Algeria in 1913. He spent the early years of his life in North Africa, where he worked at Various jobs -- in the weather bureau, in an automobile-accessory firm, in a shipping company -- to help pay for his courses at the University of Algiers. He then turned to journalism as a career. His report on the unhappy state of the Muslims of the Kabylie region aroused the Algerian government to action and brought him public notice. From 1935 to 1938 he ran the Theatre de L'Equipe, a theatrical company that produced plays by Malraux, Gide, Synge, Dostoevski, and others. During World War II he was one of the leading writers of the French Resistance and editor of Combat, then an important underground newspaper. Camus was always very active in the theater, and several of his plays have been published and produced. His fiction, including The Stranger, The Plague, The Fall, and Exile and the Kingdom; his philosophical essays, The Myth of Sisyphus and The Rebel; and his plays have assured his preeminent position in modern French letters. In 1957 Camus was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. His sudden death on January 4, 1960, cut short the career of one of the most important literary figures of the Western world when he was at the very summit of his powers.
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評分對於世界 我永遠是個陌生人. 我不懂它的語言 它不懂我的沉默 我們交換的隻是一...
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圖書標籤: Camus 加繆 French 哲學
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