"Fitzgerald's is so decisively the best modern Aeneid that it is unthinkable that anyone will want to use any other version for a long time to come."--New York Review of Books
"From the beginning to the end of this English poem...the reader will find the same sure control of English rhythms, the same deft phrasing, and an energy which urges the eye onward."--The New Republic
"A rendering that is both marvelously readable and scrupulously faithful.... Fitzgerald has managed, by a sensitive use of faintly archaic vocabulary and a keen ear for sound and rhythm, to suggest the solemnity and the movement of Virgil's poetry as no previous translator has done (including Dryden).... This is a sustained achievement of beauty and power."--Boston Globe
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愛情。 一開始並沒有愛情。是神的恩典或者不懷好意的捉弄----神秘的愛火吹進心裏,居心叵測的維納斯與丘比特暗暗令她不知不覺地中毒。一箭穿心。一箭穿心帶來的痛楚……及痛到極緻之時酣暢淋灕的快感。痛楚,與快感。愛情所贈與我們的,無外乎這兩種。酣暢淋灕注定是短暫的,易...
評分幾韆年前的文字,又經過兩次翻譯,還能讓人津津有點味的讀下去,也就不抱怨那麼多啦。這書應該小時候看呀,那些翅膀啊,海浪啊,蟒蛇啊,神們散發玫瑰光澤的脖子啊,豐富一下想象力還是不錯的。最好是那種帶著插圖的版本,插圖當然要油畫風格的。 這本古代故事書裏基本有兩種...
評分《埃涅阿斯紀》寫的是戰爭和一個人的故事。 (一)所謂戰爭 《埃涅阿斯紀》的第一個詞就是“戰爭”(Arma virumque cano),這不是巧閤。在John Dryden的英譯本裏,還能看齣這一點,但是在中譯本裏,就全不是這迴事瞭(可見透過翻譯來欣賞文學是多麼的荒唐)。 《...
評分維吉爾老頭是但丁老頭最推崇的詩人,這倆老頭真是意氣相投。 個人之見,從文本內涵角度來看,後世豐富於前世是不可逆的趨勢。當然,文人一直有復古的心理,總以為先聖之書便是完美的。這是曆代文人以其新思想附會的結果。原始文本一定是單純的,過瞭一百年,便復雜一些,五百年...
圖書標籤: V-Virgil Robert_Fitzgerald 英文 羅馬 poem LIT-Classics 文學與曆史 古典學
評分Dry, sporadic gems. 大概還是latin readers能更connect. 一些insights, I.e. Sunt lacrimae rerum, I.e. "I die unavenged," cries Dido,簡直令人潸然淚下。Imperialist Roman的頌歌,legitimacy的建立,與對greco-roman文化的迴顧. First of its kind (allegorical epic).
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