"Fitzgerald's is so decisively the best modern Aeneid that it is unthinkable that anyone will want to use any other version for a long time to come."--New York Review of Books
"From the beginning to the end of this English poem...the reader will find the same sure control of English rhythms, the same deft phrasing, and an energy which urges the eye onward."--The New Republic
"A rendering that is both marvelously readable and scrupulously faithful.... Fitzgerald has managed, by a sensitive use of faintly archaic vocabulary and a keen ear for sound and rhythm, to suggest the solemnity and the movement of Virgil's poetry as no previous translator has done (including Dryden).... This is a sustained achievement of beauty and power."--Boston Globe
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本來應該是力薦,但是翻譯和校訂爛,扣掉瞭一顆星 譯者把corn,譯成瞭玉米。看的時候感覺穿越極瞭,公元前的歐洲人怎麼可能有玉米吃呢?而且各種玉米玉米,翻譯成榖物不行嗎…… 然後就是captain的問題瞭,captain不止隊長這個意思吧……但是說埃涅阿斯隊長真的很奇怪。把各...
評分首先,還是要忍不住抱怨一下翻譯。我現在越來越發現自己的語言天賦雖不好,但是卻要命地染上瞭翻譯潔癖。看到“吾王陛下”的翻譯,我的雞皮疙瘩受不瞭的抖瞭一地。 在看這本書的時候,謝小維問我:誰誰是好人還是壞人?我突然發現,小孩子的世界,其實是一個絕對的二元對立的世...
評分 評分本來應該是力薦,但是翻譯和校訂爛,扣掉瞭一顆星 譯者把corn,譯成瞭玉米。看的時候感覺穿越極瞭,公元前的歐洲人怎麼可能有玉米吃呢?而且各種玉米玉米,翻譯成榖物不行嗎…… 然後就是captain的問題瞭,captain不止隊長這個意思吧……但是說埃涅阿斯隊長真的很奇怪。把各...
評分今天最終讀完瞭厚厚一本Aeneid 也是歐洲文學課中《埃涅阿斯紀》部分的final quiz.. 奮戰瞭一周、努力地讀史詩,讀的昏天黑地覺得絕望,但最後還是不知不覺地就讀到瞭結尾: "Then all the body slackened in death's chill, And with a groan for that indignity His spirit fl...
圖書標籤: V-Virgil Robert_Fitzgerald 英文 羅馬 poem LIT-Classics 文學與曆史 古典學
評分Dry, sporadic gems. 大概還是latin readers能更connect. 一些insights, I.e. Sunt lacrimae rerum, I.e. "I die unavenged," cries Dido,簡直令人潸然淚下。Imperialist Roman的頌歌,legitimacy的建立,與對greco-roman文化的迴顧. First of its kind (allegorical epic).
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