The House of Mirth 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
“智者的心,住在哀伤之家;愚者的心,住在欢乐之家”。 莉莉·芭特灿烂短暂如流星的一生命运,正是在这两级间的挣扎。一卷跌宕起伏的感情史,一幅衣香鬓影的纽约风情画,一个无法泯灭最终良心的困顿灵魂,一个上流阶层版本的《嘉利妹妹》,又一出美国悲剧。 本书是伊迪丝·华...
评分她生活的环境好象眼下的娱乐圈,她努力想保持纯洁清白,可又想轻易获得财富,最终还是被卷进恶毒的流言。 《书摘》上的小说简介写得真是好,好到我在大学图书馆里找到这本破旧的小说,翻阅时竟然觉得跟简介写得一模一样(也许本末倒置?)。 我记得她在名画表演上举起双臂,顿...
评分读完了,译笔流畅,心理细腻,不错的风俗小说。是世俗的力量打败了爱情吗?诚如鲁迅先生所说,在这困顿中,可以看透很多事情。 “她看不起自己所追求的东西。”这样的人越来越少了。也许,我们会发现自己还没有那么堕落吧?我们有弱点,但是我们也有不能放下的自尊。 从小说的...
评分Lily Bart, a beautiful and unmarried woman, 29-year-old, living in the leisure-class of New York, is eager to marry. Unfortunately, she misses several chances of attaining her goal, some of which have been broken by her own faults, others by other people’s...
图书标签: 英文 美国文学 美国 the of mirth house
The House of Mirth , by Edith Wharton , is part of the Barnes & Noble Classics series, which offers quality editions at affordable prices to the student and the general reader, including new scholarship, thoughtful design, and pages of carefully crafted extras. Here are some of the remarkable features of Barnes & Noble Classics :
All editions are beautifully designed and are printed to superior specifications; some include illustrations of historical interest. Barnes & Noble Classics pulls together a constellation of influencesbiographical, historical, and literaryto enrich each reader's understanding of these enduring works. Edith Wharton ’s dark view of society, the somber economics of marriage, and the powerlessness of the unwedded woman in the 1870s emerge dramatically in the tragic novel The House of Mirth . Faced with an array of wealthy suitors, New York socialite Lily Bart falls in love with lawyer Lawrence Selden, whose lack of money spoils their chances for happiness together. Dubious business deals and accusations of liaisons with a married man diminish Lily’s social status, and as she makes one bad choice after another, she learns how venal and brutally unforgiving the upper crust of New York can be.
one of America’s finest novels of manners, The House of Mirth is a beautifully written and ultimately tragic account of the human capacity for cruelty.
0in 0in 0pt"> Jeffrey Meyers , a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature, has published forty-three books, including biographies of Ernest Hemingway, Edmund Wilson, Robert Frost, D. H. Lawrence, Joseph Conrad, and George orwell.
读的是牛津版,本来以为会是“剩女的逆袭”,居然是大悲剧。擦,Edith Wharton 绝逼一后妈。Lily(活着的时候)和Selden 最后一次见面看的我眼泪哗哗的。(果然是泪点低吗?)像Selden这么没用和高姿态的男主角快点去死吧!
评分读的是牛津版,本来以为会是“剩女的逆袭”,居然是大悲剧。擦,Edith Wharton 绝逼一后妈。Lily(活着的时候)和Selden 最后一次见面看的我眼泪哗哗的。(果然是泪点低吗?)像Selden这么没用和高姿态的男主角快点去死吧!
评分读的是牛津版,本来以为会是“剩女的逆袭”,居然是大悲剧。擦,Edith Wharton 绝逼一后妈。Lily(活着的时候)和Selden 最后一次见面看的我眼泪哗哗的。(果然是泪点低吗?)像Selden这么没用和高姿态的男主角快点去死吧!
评分读的是牛津版,本来以为会是“剩女的逆袭”,居然是大悲剧。擦,Edith Wharton 绝逼一后妈。Lily(活着的时候)和Selden 最后一次见面看的我眼泪哗哗的。(果然是泪点低吗?)像Selden这么没用和高姿态的男主角快点去死吧!
评分读的是牛津版,本来以为会是“剩女的逆袭”,居然是大悲剧。擦,Edith Wharton 绝逼一后妈。Lily(活着的时候)和Selden 最后一次见面看的我眼泪哗哗的。(果然是泪点低吗?)像Selden这么没用和高姿态的男主角快点去死吧!
The House of Mirth 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书