诺曼·道伊奇(Norman Doidge)
在专业领域之外,他是一位畅销书作家、评论家和诗人。他曾4次获得加拿大国家杂志写作金奖(Canada's National Magazine Gold Award)。
The Brain That Changes Itself 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
读这本《重塑大脑,重塑人生》的时候,我的内心是极其矛盾的,舌尖的味蕾也是五味杂陈,仿佛别人给你了一块撒上了椒盐的西瓜,还不得不把它吃完。 本书的主旨是讨论脑神经的可塑性,但作者又用非常情绪化的语言,极尽鼓噪之能是。听着感觉像是朋友给你介绍一对象,把对方说的简...
评分激动人心之作,虽然有全方位强调“大脑可塑性”之嫌。本书为“终身学习”理念提供了技术支撑:只有不断全身心投入学习新的东西,才会促使大脑神经元生长,而非随年龄退化。use it or lose it。 沉浸学习新事物,任何年龄段都能见证大脑可塑性带来的改变——这意味着所有的心智...
评分社科文学类,书名和里面的部分内容真的透着一股乐观向上的鸡汤文学味道。不过,不能否认,从这本书里能够看到很多关于大脑可塑性的知识,案例也都很让人惊奇,甚至启发人减肥的动力。开拓视野型读物,但是若说当严谨科学研究看,我觉得肯定是还差点意思吧。 概述 本书的主要内...
评分It takes me almost a month to read through this book, on my subway ride to work and back home. When I started reading, I think the book is just an easy read for killing time on my morning and dusk commute. But I was being ignorantly wrong. This book is a ve...
图书标签: 大脑 神經學 心理学 刘未鹏 Neurology 美國 科普 神經科學
An astonishing new science called neuroplasticity is overthrowing the centuries-old notion that the human brain is immutable. Psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, Norman Doidge, M.D., traveled the country to meet both the brilliant scientists championing neuroplasticity and the people whose lives they’ve transformed—people whose mental limitations or brain damage were seen as unalterable. We see a woman born with half a brain that rewired itself to work as a whole, blind people who learn to see, learning disorders cured, IQs raised, aging brains rejuvenated, stroke patients learning to speak, children with cerebral palsy learning to move with more grace, depression and anxiety disorders successfully treated, and lifelong character traits changed. Using these marvelous stories to probe mysteries of the body, emotion, love, sex, culture, and education, Dr. Doidge has written an immensely moving, inspiring book that will permanently alter the way we look at our brains, human nature, and human potential.
The Brain That Changes Itself 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书