Fake documentaries mimic documentary genre expectations, unraveling the documentary's authority and dismantling understandings of identity, history, and nation. The interdisciplinary essays in "F Is for Phony" discuss a broad scope of works and explore issues raised by "fake docs" such as the fiction/documentary divide, the ethics of reality-based manipulation, and whether documentariness derives from form or reception. Defining the borderline between fact and fiction, the contributors reveal what fake documentaries imply and usually make explicit: that many documentaries lie to tell the truth, and that the truth is relative. Contributors: Steve Anderson, Catherine L. Benamou, Mitchell W. Block, Luis Bunuel, Marlon Fuentes, Craig Hight, Charlie Keil, Alisa Lebow, Eve Oishi, Robert F. Reid-Pharr, Gregorio C. Rocha, Jane Roscoe, Catherine Russell, Elisabeth Subrin. Alexandra Juhasz is professor of media studies at Pitzer College. She is author of "Women of Vision: Histories in Feminist Film and Video" (Minnesota, 2001). Jesse Lerner is associate professor of media studies at Pitzer College.
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圖書標籤: 讓你多瞭解一些的壓底磚
評分亞曆山德拉·尤哈斯(Alexandra Juhasz)和傑西·勒納(Jesse Lerner): “2001年,我們在加州剋萊濛特舉行瞭一係列關於假紀錄片的放映會,最後舉行瞭一次研討會(後來是這本集子)。想象一下,當一天接近尾聲時,一位身份不明的本科生從觀眾席上站起來,要求我們 "在此時此地放映他的電影",他堅持認為這部電影與當天的會議程序最為相關;當我們發現他的電影確實將當天討論的所有問題,以及本選集中討論的大部分假紀錄片的核心問題都拋入瞭危機之中,我們會感到更驚訝的。 遺憾的是,盡管很多研究紀錄片和假紀錄片的學者可能會要求觀看這部影片,並從它揭示的秘密中自學,但我們的學生似乎玩瞭一場自己的騙局。原來,他並沒有,也從來沒有在學院注冊過,他和他的電影似乎在一次神秘的首映之後就消失得無影無蹤。
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