For everyone whose life has been touched by cancer, One Renegade Cell tells the story of the search for the ultimate causes of this dreaded disease. " One Renegade Cell …offers a breathtaking picture, both wonderful and frightening, of the fantastic intricacy of aberrant cellular functioning." -New York Times "Part primer, part history and part meditation. [ One Renegade Cell ] succeeds on all counts." -Wall Street Journal One of the leading cancer researchers in the world, Robert A. Weinberg is perfectly suited to describe the search for cancer's origins from the early days of this century to the present. Presuming little knowledge of biology, he tells how a cancer-causing virus was first discovered in 1909, how the correlation was made between chemical carcinogens and cancer, and how oncogenes (the genes that can turn a cell malignant) work. He explains clearly how malignant cells send messages to one another and also block the messages of normal cells. Finally, Weinberg predicts that cancer prevention may depend on our ability to understand the mysterious chemical clock that regulates our cells' most basic functions. One Renegade Cell offers a concise, accessible route into the complex and often daunting world of cancer and cancer research.
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從頭發絲到腳趾蓋,乃至身上的每一寸肌膚,每一滴血液,都是你自己。每一個細胞都有它存在的理由,如果可以做到彼此相安無事那自然最好,可,總會圖自己一時的舒坦忘瞭身上的這些器官需要什麼。 從去年爸爸查齣癌癥到現在,已經一年多瞭,看著日漸消瘦的他,我想讓他更開心一...
評分1、化學、物理因素、基因復製錯誤、遺傳缺陷、病毒感染導緻基因定嚮突變 a.原癌基因突變,細胞獲得持續生長信號 b.抑癌基因突變失活,細胞非正常生長抑製失效 2、細胞DNA修復機製失靈,基因突變無法清除 3、獲得不死能力:激活端粒基因,獲得細胞傳代無限性 4、生長...
評分最近偶然又看到這本書,竟然十分之強烈的想要重溫一遍。 作為一個完完全全的生物門外漢來看這本書,作者雖然是癌癥研究界的泰鬥,卻將此書寫的深入淺齣,形象又生動。看它不僅讓你對癌癥這個令人忘而生畏的病癥和他的起因形成發展有一定程度的瞭解,關鍵在於閱讀的趣味性,尤其...
評分癌癥是一種自身基因變異,導緻細胞無限增殖的疾病。癌癥的最初形態,源於一個正常的細胞。 一、過程 第一步變異:原癌基因被激活 原癌基因是正常細胞內的某個基因,不同類型的癌癥具有不同的原癌基因,它會因為變異而被激活成癌基因,從而埋下瞭“無綫增殖”的種子。 不同於正...
評分十萬字,很是短小。 作者寫得蠻好。譯得就。。。太文縐縐瞭。某章講到某基因缺失之後細胞繁衍就將”瓜瓞綿綿、子子孫孫無窮盡也“。好傢夥,幸虧後麵跟那一大句是我懂的。一些副詞用得極其有趣,擬人化讓那些壞壞的細胞都活瞭起來。 以下好玩的東西均來自最後一章 1.除開乳腺...
圖書標籤: biology Cancer practical anglais Science RobertWeinberg @chicago
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