September 11, 1962 - April 17, 1980 "Matthew, tell me about heaven." "Life is meaningful, Mother! There is an ecstasy, a fervor among the people here. We have important work, almost limitless studies, visits to our Earth families, glorious music, astounding travel and incomparable beauty. Much more goes on here than the blissful life in spirit that is associated with heaven!" This book is more than detailed descriptions of Matthew's world, which can comfort the terminally ill and their families and all who are grieving the loss of beloved people. It is more than the assurance of our inseparable bonds and reunions through the highest energy in the universe, light expressed as love. Matthew explains why we have been led to believe the fallacy that life in heaven and even beyond that realm can be only speculation, and why, in this unprecedented time in the history of Earth, it is essential that we know the truth of our beginnings and our relationship with all of creation. Without that truth, we cannot understand either the purpose of our lives or how to prepare confidently and joyously for what is to come.
--This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
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